
There are some really interesting new formations coming out of the new Space Marine Codex. Clearly some of the Chapter tactics, Librarian formations and the Land Raider ‘walls of death’ are drawing some attention. But look over the lowest common denominator at your peril.

Read More | June 12th, 2015

Many Warhammer 40,000 hobbyists are excited about the new Codex Space Marines and related models so this week I thought I’d provide some tips for painting the Space Marine Stormtalon.The Stormtalon is a handy little flyer that can also hover and dish out quite a bit of firepower for its size. Painting it can be […]

Read More | September 16th, 2013

Sick of your skimmers always falling of their bases, or drooping onto the table? Time to magnetize your flight stands! It’s actually pretty easy AND affordable to magnetize a whole army’s worth of skimmers all in one go, and I’ll show you how. All you need are some 1/4″ x 1/16 magnets and accompanying drill […]

Read More | September 3rd, 2013

Games Workshop just released a set of FAQ’s for the new Flyer book that just went on sale today.It features some interesting clarifications about the current status quo of flyers removing deep strike and scout from some flyers, and leaving the Heldrake relatively untouched (not that it’s not broken enough already). I’ll let Faeit’s article […]

Read More | February 17th, 2013

This morning’s White Dwarf Daily had a slew of tantalizing tidbits about the new “Death from the Skies” supplement/ compendium. I give it that dual status because well we don’t really know for sure if it’s just a compendium with a few extra rules, or a whole supplement with new rules, and scenarios etc.They seem to indicate […]

Read More | February 16th, 2013

I still don’t know if the book is worth it yet, but it’s here now. Plus it looks like it comes with some new rules as well.According to Games Workshop’s website this is a GW exclusive item only. Why they think they need to alienate every independent stockist and game store by refusing to sell in demand items to […]

Read More | February 16th, 2013