Inside the Vault: GW’s New 10th Edition 40k Codex Secrets Revealed!

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumors-1From new rules to ease of updates, here are all the secrets to the upcoming 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Codex books, and why this edition may be the best so far…

GW did something smart this time around with 10th Edition Warhammer 40k. They set up each faction in a very distinct framework but with plenty of room to change things on the fly as needed. This also makes some sense as to why the indexes are a little all over the place.

Obviously, there have been issues with the current index cards, but you do have to give GW credit for dropping all the rules for free and coming out with a balance update far sooner (September 2023) than in 9th Edition.


Here is all the  latest on 10th Edition Warhammer 40k by clicking on our article coverage below:

Inside the Vault: GW’s 10th Edition 40k Codex Secrets Revealed!

10th edition year 1 roadmapGW generally starts printing and shipping the new codex about three months in advance of the release to their warehouses. This means the Tyranids and Space Marines codexes are already done and were most likely done before GW saw any of the actual meta.

However, even for the other newer codexes, such as Ad Mech, GW has probably taken the first few months of results into account while making it. It was a little harder last edition to do this, but the way they have made books in 10th makes changing things up super simple.

More 10th Edition 40k Detachments On The Way

Codex Books in 10th EditionLet’s start with detachment rules. Each army started the game with only a single rule; however, GW can easily put in a bunch ahead of a certain codex release.

Even on their app, they say “more coming soon,” which was an understatement after the first 10th Edition 40k codex previews hit:

Each Detachment offers your army unique benefits: a Detachment rule, four Enhancements, and six Stratagems. While some factions will find that the Detachment from their Index changes slightly when their Codex arrives, this is not the case for the Invasion Fleet, which functions exactly as it does now. 

Now we know the first 10th Edition 40k Codex, Tyranids, received six detachments, each with four enhancements and six stratagems! So, chances are each new 10th Edition 40k codex book will follow a similar pattern and have 24 enhancements and 36 stratagems to keep track of.

How Detachments & Abilities Can Be Updated In the Future

tyranids codex art 10th

Between what we know about codexes and the Balance Dataslate, GW can look at how each army’s detachment rules are working, then easily pop something new in there at any point or in coordination with other events and updates.

This is also easier to balance since they are not making individual points for models in units (or even their weapons). With everything being a set point value, it’s easier to determine how a detachment rule will work.

GW obviously had some pretty strong ideas for the way each faction would play. They can easily use the current meta to determine whether things are working the way they want (and add more in this direction) or have to go a totally different route. Take Ad Mech, for example; in theory, doing mortal wounds or Battleshocking units is strong, but with how unimpactful Battleshock is so far, it doesn’t really work.

So, in the new codex, it should be simple to just add in different ideas with the base of the meta and what doesn’t work currently. Then, they even have enhancements and stratagems set up in the same place, meaning GW can easily add unique enhancements and stratagems for each detachment as well.

Ease of 10th Edition 40k Codex Releases

Space Marines Lieutenant 2With a complete framework for every faction, making new codexes has never been easier for GW. All they have to do is look at the meta, change some points, fill in some new detachments, and add artwork. Boom, a new book!

For the last edition, they had to make basically entirely new books with only the models laid out for them. This time, they don’t have to worry about individual points, coming up with the identity for the edition, or anything like that.

So, in theory, it should be easy (as long as they can ship out the products) to make new books, stay on track, and actually make changes closer to release than usual.

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