How-To: Painting Eldar Fire Dragons

Checkout this SWEET tutorial from IDIC Beer on how to paint Fire Dragons in the amazing (but very hard to do), Orange and Yellow color scheme.

Courtesy of IDIC Beer!

Nick speaking,

I know a lot of people are not fans of how GW paint their Fire Dragons, and yes, they are rather bright, but personally I like them that way and that is how I wanted mine to look. As usual I wanted to add in my IDIC twist of purple and white, with a touch of gold to give them a regal look. So, in this post I will run through how I painted them with the new Citadel orange paints.

First I primed them white…

Then I based the orange with Jokaero Orange…

With a layer of Troll Slayer Orange over the top of that…

At this stage I laid down the rest of the base coats in my IDIC colours and painted the helmets Iyanden Darksun, three layers of Yriel Yellow to give a nice smooth finish, and then a wash in the recesses only with Gryphone Sepia, as seen in the picture below…

Next I went into the recesses only of the orange with Fuegan Orange…

Then I highlighted the orange armour with Fire Dragon Bright, dry blending on the larger areas…

Then I went in and highlighted it again with a mix of 1:1 Fire Dragon Bright and Yreil Yellow…

Now onto the helmets, this time I highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Yreil Yellow and Skull White. I blended them from the raised edges inwards, leaving the original colour and wash visible…

Then I went over that with a 1:2 mix of Yreil Yellow and Skull White…

Lastly, I hit the very edges with a mix of 1:3 Yreil Yellow and Skull White…

Next, I painted the eyes and gemstones, highlighted the purple and finished off the white sections. At this stage I also painted the Exarch base, doing this one as a piece of Blood Angels tank…

Then all I had to do was sand and paint the bases…

Finally I hit them with some satin varnish, which I like to use for my Eldar, and then added some static grass…