BREAKING – New Cult Mechanicus Releases

By Rob Baer | May 12th, 2015 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming News

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The Mechanical cat is out of the bag, come see whats coming soon for Cult Mechanicus!

Looks like the Kataphron Destroyers/Breachers box set is coming next week, but there is no sign of a codex yet.

For the rest of the pics get out your German translators, there is a lot of ground to cover!

Via Gamestrust.de

A Kataphron Breacher moves either with a heavy arc gun or a Torsionskanone at (W3 food or hull points!) and an arc or hydraulic claw. The Kataphron Destroyersbuild on the other hand, plasma Kalverines or severity Gravkanonen and phosphorus Blaster, which can be replaced either with Cognis flamethrowers.

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The new tracked units look good even close up. I can see these guys becoming the next conversion staple for a new generation of hobbyists!

Tons more pictures on the Roundup below!

Cult Mechanicus Roundup

They see me rolling...

About the Author: Rob Baer

Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad. I blame LEGOs. There was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all... Twitter @catdaddymbg