Bestselling Forge World Products Going into 2021

Forge-world-selling-fastWith the meta constantly shifting across multiple games, check out the bestselling products for Warhammer over at Forge World!

With games like Horus Heresy, Lord of the Rings, and Warhammer 40k going stronger than ever, there are a bunch of players out there that are keeping up with the meta. Check out what hobbyists are buying these days with this updated Forge World bestsellers list!

Bestselling Forge World Products Going into December

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Starting off, there are a few big boys for 40k. All three of these are pretty big models that have the potential to do a ton of damage. Two out of these first three are also Lord of War class models, meaning they’ll eat up quite a bit of point in your list if you decide to go with them.

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Back in October the Diemos was selling fast alongside the bundle of three, so looks like folks still love the look of the old Rhino. Both the Gorgon and Tantalus are sweet models, so hopefully, this is a sign that they will be sticking around on the store.

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in the 7th slot, we see another one of the special Forge World Tau battlesuits, this time the Heavy Support Variant. Both of the battle suits offer mobility and great weapons, so it’s not surprising to see them here. Death Korps have had some rumors floating around lately for some GW models in 2021, so the hype may have brought more attention to the faction on FW. Wraithseers are just pretty decent character models.

bestsell fw 10Lastly the big book it’s self. The Imperial Armour Compendium is the all-encompassing book for Forge World 40k model rules. So any of the models in this list that you want to use in 40k will have their rules in this all-in-one book. It had a mixed reception, but overall it’s nice to have one book with any rules you might need.

What do you think about these kits that are the best selling? Have you bought any of these recently?

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