Top 3 40k Army Lists: The Hee Yaw Texan Tournament

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Imperial Guard got to a first-place finish at the Hee Yaw Texan over the weekend, as these Warhammer 40k army lists took the top three spots!

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought into their armies.

Top 3 40k Army Lists: The Hee Yaw Texan Tournament

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. 

3rd Place: Austin Foshe – Imperial Knights

knight cover hor wal



2nd Place: Da Xie – Harlequins

harlequin eldar hor wal





1st Place: William Ivey – Imperial Guard

imperial guard hor wal


William’s Guard was a single massive battalion led by two Tank Commanders, a Cadian Command Squad, and Straken. Straken is a solid unit with a re-roll Aura. The Command Squad offers up some extra special weapons and orders, while the Tank Commanders are in literal tanks with great weapons and orders.

Troops keep it vanilla with 60 Cadian Shock Troops, which seem to be nearly everyone’s troop of choice for the faction since their release/codex.

Elites go with 20 Kasrkin for some more elite foot-slogging troops and a Commissar for its great combat attrition ability and decent stats.

Fast Attacks bring in three Plasma Sentinels for some decent mobility choices, While Heavy support goes with six Mortars for chip damage and three Leman Russ to pair up with the Tank Commanders as some heftier ranged threats.

Finally, the list ends on a single Chimera to get it to a crisp 2000 points!

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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