Adepticon 2020 Swag Bags Update!

By Wesley Floyd | May 20th, 2020 | Categories: Adepticon, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Space Marine walpaperThe convention might have been canceled but they are still working- check out the latest updates on the Adepticon 2020 Swag Bags!

Adepticon 2020 was canceled due to worries about spreading COVID-19. We’ve already covered their official announcement here. But thankfully, the Adepticon team didn’t just pull away and dust themselves off to leave us with so many questions. They’ve stuck close and are continuing to give us solid updates on what we have to look forward to. 

Unfortunately, the thing that caused 2020’s Adepticon to be canceled is still going on out there, but the silver lining is that businesses are starting to open their doors once again. We saw GW bring their online web store back after weeks of being out of commission, for example.

While life hasn’t quite returned to normal just yet, the Adepticon team is still working to make sure everyone who was supposed to get a swag bag gets them before too long.

Adepticon 2020 Update: Swag Bags On Deck!

swag bagComing from Adepticon’s main page:

We wanted to provide you with an update on the status of our shipping operations. We recently received the last of the Swag Bag components, many having been delayed for obvious reasons. The next step will be putting those components together and packaging them. We took some steps this weekend to get that process started. Unfortunately, as is the case across the nation, Illinois remains under a shelter-in-place order and large groups of people are limited in meeting. This makes organizing and packing the Swag Bags more challenging and time-consuming.

angron happyBecause shipping times were extended from the crisis, it took longer than expected to get all the supplies for the swag bags. Now that all the parts are there, it’s also taking longer than usual because of the active shelter-in-place order, but hold out just a little bit longer guys. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel!

adepticon staffWe expect shipping to start, in general, in early June. We may be able to start some shipping sooner, but the situation remains fluid and complex. The shipping will start with the VIG material, then t-shirts and hoodies. But over the next 30-45 days, we expect to have had made substantial progress in fulfilling every order.

This is the first real word that we’ve gotten from the Adepticon team concerning the swag bags. We’ve now got a timeframe to watch for too! Depending on where you are in the world, the coming swag bag might be the hobby supply refuel you were needing. Just sit tight.

Looking Ahead To Next Year

Adepticon FeatureWe’ve talked about this once before but just to keep you posted, the Adepticon team hasn’t wasted any time on planning their next event. They’ve already dropped the dates so mark your calendars down.

AdeptiCon 2021 is scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th through Sunday, March 28th.

These are just the dates but they also mentioned that we should be seeing a whole separate announcement on next year’s event once the dust settles.


With all of this covered, what do you think will be in your swag bag? Is this going to be your first batch of hobby supplies you’ve gotten your hands on since the crisis?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!