Magnetize The New Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminals

titanicus command terminals magneticIf you hate the current Adeptus Titancius Command Terminals, check out how easy it is to magnetize them with just a few mouse clicks.

Adeptus Titanicus has a command terminal for every Titan and Knight in the game. The earlier versions are made of a thick, cardboard-type material that’s quite durable but tends to bow a bit.

However, just recently, GW announced that future releases would have thinner/smaller terminal cards problem is, they don’t have the notches for the marker to stay in place!

However, you could also just laminate the thinner cards, throw them on a magnetic backing and call it a day. Here’s how easy it is!

Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminals For Download

command terminal

Currently, the downloadable command terminals are for the Warlord, Warhound, Reaver, Knight Questor, and Knight Cerastus models. Keep in mind that when you print these out, they’ll be the flimsy paper version and not the cardboard version that you’re able to purchase from their online webstore. That’s okay cause now we can add the power of magnets to them with ease!

Or if you have the new thinner command terminals from 2020 and on, you’re already ahead of the hobby game here.

Magnetize The New Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminals

First, you’ll want to print out the command terminals from the download above. I took them on a flash drive to Staples and had them printed out in color, laminated, and trimmed up. The total bill for FOUR sets was around $25 with tax. Compared to the cost of ONE terminal pack from GW, I feel that’s more than a fair price to pay.

You can also email them the order via their website and just wait a day for pickup as well.

If you already have your terminals, just go in and chances are they will laminate them fast for you, or you can buy some DIY sheets and move along.

Second, scoop up these thin magnetic dry erase boards from Amazon. You get 10 sheets for what I feel is a good price. These are super sturdy and can even be cut in two with a paper slicer making them right about the size of a terminal itself with just one cut. If you don’t like those there are a few other designs too but I feel like these are the best.

Conversely, you can grab a thin sheet of tin the size of your printed-out command terminal and affix them down. If you don’t want to wait for Amazon to ship you the metal, try your luck at a place like Lowes Hardware. They should have the same thing stocked in the HVAC aisle (with all the air filters).

Then use Double-sided tape to affix your terminals to your magnetized sheets. You can use magnets of any polarity on both sides (white and black) of the sheets above.  The tape is optional but it really helps keep them on the boards, and they are still removable even with the tape, as well.

titanicus command terminals magneticEither way, as you can see from the picture above there is plenty of room on the 9″x 12″ sheet for countless configurations of stratagem cards, Knight and Titan command terminals.

magnetLast, you’ll want to get a pack (or two) of push magnets and use them in place of the command terminal’s damage/reactor core trackers. Now your trackers won’t be falling out with the slightest bump anymore! Anyone who plays Titanicus knows this pain! Just click the markers onto the now-magnetized command terminal.  They even come in a neat little resealable pouch that makes set-up/cleanup easy.

If you really want to you can even sleeve your weapon cards by using two packs of Small Europen Board Game Sleeves too. Don’t buy the American ones, they will not fit.

Finally, profit.

titanicus command terminals magneticYou’ll be able to pick up your command terminals, hand them to your opponent, do aerobics, and the pins will never move around. Plus, they’ll be more durable than the cardboard that GW uses to print them on. It’s a win-win!

With more and more Titanicus releases announced like Ursus claws and Psi-Titans, have you decided to jump into the game? Which Legio/Household do you have your minis painted up as? 

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