A Bone To Pick With: New GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine has emerged and is making rounds across the web. Check out what looks to be some kind of axe head. Whoever made it has some talent.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine showing some kind of weapon. We think it looks like an axe head. But what’s even more interesting is that it has some close resemblances to other rumor engines in the recent past. Take a look at everything you need to know.

A Bone To Pick With: New GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED

rumor engine 3-31-2020So here’s the weapon. With the way the blade is curved and how there’s a shaft that gets cropped out on the top left corner of the bit, it looks like we’re seeing an axe head. But this isn’t any old axe head that someone made in their back yard.

This is a real clean work of art. There’s even gems in the weapon for decoration. But what should really stand out is that the non-blade part of the weapon is all made of bone.

rumor engine 03-17-2020This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a weapon made of bone hit the rumor engine list either. This one dropped a few weeks ago showing the Chaos symbol and something that looks like a cross between a Daemon and an Ossiarch Bonereaper Necropolis Stalker skull.

So what could be ahead?

Well, after seeing both of these rumor engines, it seems like there’s something on the way both centered around death and Chaos… The Chaos symbol carved into the skull’s head is a dead giveaway. Maybe these could be Warriors of Nagash that have decided to break away and worship Chaos! We know that all the living actions in GW’s game have a chance of falling to Chaos so why should the dead be any different?

What do you think could be on the way after seeing these bits? Do you think it’s something for 40k or Age of Sigmar? 

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