Blades of Khorne & Command Points in AoS 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | May 21st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

khorne aos sigmar

Blades of Khorne will be getting another reboot in the coming Age of Sigmar 2.0 so get those axes and skull-collecting bags ready.

Warhammer Community just released a snapshot of the Blade of Khorne faction for the new edition. Without any more delay let’s break it all down.

Who are the Blades of Khorne?

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Khorne is the Chaos God of warfare, battle and bloodshed. For his followers, war is no means to riches, lands or glory – war is an end in and of itself, a quest to spill blood and take skulls for their infernal lord.While Sigmar’s Storm may have pushed back the Blades of Khorne in the Realm of Fire, the Blood God remains a dominant force in the Mortal Realms, and his legions remain amongst the largest and most feared armies of the age.

Korne players should be trying to get in close as possible as quick as possible to build up those blood tithe points. You can cash them in and even get a Bloodthirster! You’ve probably heard by now that all the armies from AoS will be getting love and support in AoS 2.0. So what is changing for these Skull-stealing angry bois?

Blades of Khorne in the New Edition

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As it’s been announced, you will be able to use all of your hero’s command abilities instead of just one. Here is one example:

Start by taking a Chaos Lord on Manticore, Aspiring Deathbringer of your choice, a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut and a massive unit of Chaos Warriors with the Mark of Khorne. With the Aspiring Deathbringer giving every member in the unit an extra attack from Slaughter Incarnate, the Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut giving them +1 to wound from Blood Stampede, and the Chaos Lord on Manticore allowing them re-roll charge rolls, wound rolls and battleshock tests with Iron-willed Overlord, they’ll be a nigh-unstoppable force!

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It looks like we will be able to use all of our command abilities on one unit turning them into a ball of angry screams and axes.

Command Points

Many of you have been asking over the past few days about adding more command points to your armies if you don’t want to worry about filling a warscroll battalion. Well, good news! In matched play games, Warscroll Battalions aren’t the only way to pick up some extra command points.

Aos 2.0 command points

Now, if you ease back on cramming units into your list, you’ll get the hot reward of some command points. Now is it worth it to be 200 points short for 4 command points? We will have to see how many options they give us for using these command points. One of the main benefits to this is that you don’t have to worry about always filling out a Warscroll Battalion.

Did you miss our other Faction Focuses from last week? We’ve got it all here for you.

Fyreslayers Faction Focus: Age Of Sigmar 2.0

fyreslayer wal

Prepare to see half-naked redheads running through your ranks with big axes and even bigger beards.

GW Teases New Slaves To Darkness, & Ironjawz Rules

ironjawz wal hor

GW teased a ton of new Age of Sigmar 2.0 rules for both the Slaves to Darkness and Ironjaws factions.


After seeing this tidbit of information, what else do you think will be coming next in AoS 2.0, and what other artifacts would you like to see the Fyreslayers get?   Let us know over in the comments on Facebook

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