Just Like Mama Used to Make! New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine is here and we could be looking at some good ol’ home-cookin’ like mama used to make! Check this out and tell us what you think.

Right on time once again from Warhammer Community, we’ve got another rumor engine on our hands. The bigger mystery is what this bit could be attached to. As for what we can see, we have a pretty good idea of what we’re looking at. But be sure to look everything over and tell us what you think it’s a part of.

Just Like Mama Used to Make! New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 3-3-2020Alright, so, his looks like some kind of cauldron with a skull, a head with its skin still attached, and a hand all stewing together. And while all that is something we might see Death or Chaos do, the cauldron is also especially ornate. In other words, this probably isn’t something that belongs to the Flesh-Eater Courts in AoS. Although we could make the case for some wealthy freelancing Necromancer…

Another thing to note is that because of the overall small size of the cauldron, it’s probably not a terrain piece. Rather, this might be part of a new unit on the way for another overhauled faction in AoS. But what would really blow our socks off would be if this was the first look at another brand new faction for AoS. Maybe something more focused around Necromancers, reanimation, etc.

We don’t want to discredit this bit for being a good match for 40k either. But this is definitely not something the Imperium would sponsor. Really, it’s only something Chaos would probably do…And if it is for 40k, the fancy style of the cauldron makes us jump to something for Slaanesh.

Last but not least, it could be for the Daughters of Khaine warband everyone assumes is coming to Beastgrave from the card art.

With all of the possibilities laid out, what do you think this bit could be a part of? Is this something for Death in Age of Sigmar? Would you like to see some Necromancers get some love? Could it be for something else for 40k that we overlooked? 

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