NEW PICS: AoS 2.0 Launch Date & Store Events

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Age of Sigmar 2.0 launch events are coming to game stores in the US, to enjoy with your friends. New pics are here showing all the AoS activities and a curious series of dates…

Game store Scanner sent these in to us, as we have confirmed stores in the US have at least received this Age of Sigmar activity pack. Currently, we are trying to track down more specifics on the rest of the events themselves.

Let’s see what’s on deck hobby wise for the new Age of Sigmar 2.0 and talk dates.

Like the dynamic scenery and badass modeling? The duel diorama contest might be worth a shot.

Duel Painting Competition

duel painting

Things of note here, activity runs from May 12th (last week, the same day as Warhammer Fest’s big AoS 2.0 reveal) to June 9th. Seeing how the 12th was the big reveal, what are the odds the 9th is the launch day of AoS 2.0?

Clash of Giants

clash of giants

This game sounds hilariously fun. Up to 13 players setting up a burly monster on the table anywhere as long as it’s outside of 3″ from another model can get silly with combat. It’ll be like a game of bumper cars. Only with sweaty ogres and clubs healing D3 wounds after each kill.

A Contest of Might

contest of might

Basically the Clash of Giants game with heroes that aren’t monsters. Also, they heal a wound and earn a reroll when they kill someone.

The Four Warlords

The four warlords

You get an ally here. The rules are basically to kill and don’t get killed.

game store contest

Winner winner, AoS dinner. Cool mini-posters for each event winner look to be the prizes for the last man standing, and the winning Duel painter!

We are still waiting to find out more about the event structure including specific dates and times. Keep checking in with us for more updates.

Have you ever entered in one of these launch activities? Is June 9th the day Age of Sigmar2.0 releases? Let us know what you think in comments on Facebook!

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