Top 18 Units To Buy Next After Your 2018 Battleforce

Daemon Primarch Mortarion

Have you wondered what you should buy after you get your 2018 Battleforce put together? Here are some units you can’t go wrong with.

Check out our recommendations for some solid units that will serve you well in whichever army bundle you choose this year for both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k.

If you want to take a look at what comes inside each of the Battleforces as well as the value breakdowns, we have you covered with our previous post here as well.

Of course, there’s plenty of good options out there. But these would be our first moves:

Seraphon: Starclaw Strikehost

seraphon boxWhat’s next?

  • Lord Kroak $50

This box is a solid start for Seraphon but you’re not actually playing Seraphon without the spell-casting machine gun that is Lord Kroak. He’s a force multiplier in your army acting as a summoning lynchpin or a mortal wound engine.

  • Saurus Warriors $38

The Battleforce is loaded with Skins but you need something with a bit more backbone. Saurus Warriors are perfect for the job and also act as summon-fodder if you need a cheap unit with a lot of bodies to hit the field.

Slaves to Darkness: Godsworn Warband

slaves to darkness

What’s next?

  • Darkoath Warqueen $35
  • Daemon Prince $41

You’d want to bring either the Dark Oath Warqueen or a Daemon Prince to pack a bit more wallop. The Battleforce lacks characters that can slip through areas of the map and bully units on their own. With that being said, you can always stock up on more Knights on horseback. They’re fast and can really chew some units up on the charge.

Daughters of Khaine: Devoted of Morathi

daughters of khaineWhat’s next?

  • Morathi $130

The box is called “Devoted of Morathi”. It only makes sense that you eventually splurge and get Morathi herself. She’s basically unkillable in-game. There are ways around it, But she’s a potent wizard that can transform into her Serpent form. When she does, she can only take maximum three wounds per turn. 

Idoneth Deepkin: Deepsurge Raiding Party

idoneth deepkin battleforce

What’s next?

  • More Deepkin Eels $50

Either one of these is a fantastic option. Just get a lot of them. The Morrsarr Guard let you unleash a storm of mortal wounds. Meanwhile, the Ishlaen guard essentially have a 3++ invulnerable save all game. (Which is utterly huge).

Space Marines: Primaris Interdiction Force

space marines

What’s next?

  • Roboute Guilliman $60

It goes without saying, you should grab the Primarch for your army. He’s a madman in 8th edition.

  • Intercessor Squad $60

A Batallion detachment is money in 8th edition. The box only comes with ten models for the troop choice (making max two squads). You’ll need one more to get you going.

  • Primaris Librarian $35

You’ll also need a second HQ to fill out the Batallion so why not kill two birds with one stone? You get a psychic phase and fill the last HQ slot with the Primaris Librarian.

Imperial Fists: Supremacy Force

imperial fists

What’s next?

  • Primaris Interdiction Force $170

To really reap the full benefit from this box, you’ll need another HQ, another Troop Choice, and a Repulsor to transport your dudes. You could buy them all separate or just double down on Battleforces and get the Interdiction Force.

Ad Mech: Fist of the Ommnissiah

ad mech boxWhat’s next?

  • Onager Dunecrawlers  $66
  • Synodian Dragoons $49

These guys can lay down so much pain from across the table. On top of that, they get even better when they’re grouped up. You’d definitely want more of these guys, and more Dragoons lets you cover ground fast!

Death Guard: Infection Cluster

battle force death guard
What’s next?

  • Mortarion $140

Mortarion is still a constant archetype in the 40k meta. There’s not a Death Guard list that isn’t running him.

  • Plagueburst Crawlers  $65 /Drones $50

If you’d prefer backfield artillery support, the crawlers will do just fine as they can sit on backfield objectives and be relevant all game. As for the Drones, you can use them to harass the enemy and force them to explode. They’re surprisingly durable and deadly until the very end of their lives.

Craftworlds: Asuryani Bladehost

craftworlds boxWhat’s next?

  • Eldrad Uthran $25

His psychic presence is a force to be reckoned with. He’s cheap and he’s a small character that you can hide from pesky Snipers.

  • Shining Spears $50

Shining Spears are another unit that has been all over the Eldar meta. They’re so fast and their damage output is ridiculous when they’re blobbed up.

Necrons: Dominion Spearhead

necron box1718What’s next?

  • Warriors 36.25

You get ten Warriors in the box which is just enough to make a squad. These guys perform so much better when they’re in a squad of twenty being cared for by a Cryptek. You’ll want to try and get a Batallion if you can so you may actually want to buy a couple of these guys. (Or Immortals). It comes down to personal preference.

  • Cryptek $16

Speaking of Crypteks, these units are paramount in your army. They also take up an HQ slot which is nice. So what makes them so good? They add 1 to your Reanimation Protocol rolls letting you get dudes back on a 4+.

You could also take more18 Destroyers for $50 a squad, but you can only field 3 squads per the rules. They are currently direct order only from GW.

Obviously, some boxes have way more value than others, but they are all winners in our book. Perhaps some will stand out more than others once the changes from Chapter Approved are fully digested by eager players.

What do you think about the Battleforces? What is going to be your next steps for your army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshot

Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.