Paint Stripes Easy With Airbrush Masking: Tutorial

By Barclay Montgomery | November 13th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Orks, Videos


Check out this super easy way to paint stripes on your vehicles using masking tape and an airbrush! Paint smarter, not harder.

Jack of Clubs is bringing hobby back with these super easy tips to get great painting stripes on your Orky Dakkajet. Get those super straight lines done with a simple paint and tape job.Paint Stripes Airbrush Masking

Jack likes to use Tamiya Masking Tape as his go-to for scale modeling since construction grade tape can be too sticky and harsh. The Tamiya has a softer hold on your models that keep the paint off your model where you don’t want it.

For this tutorial, Jack will be setting up two different masking techniques for each wing on the Dakkajet.

Dakkajet After getting all the spots taped on your model, use your hobby knife to cut off any excess tape that won’t fold over straight.

On the left wing, everything that will not be painted is covered and the right wing has just enough masking tape to create a line to demonstrate what technique best suits your hobby needs. The paints that Jack will go for the wingtips are a nice blue and red for the inner wing portion. Dakkajet

When painting over metallic colors, a quick coat of black can help your other paints stick well and dry more quickly. The first highlight will be a blue-green on the wingtips that will start at the forward portion of the wing itself to give it a sense of motion.

This kind of paint scheme is perfect for your Ork army. The red stripe will need a little base coat of black to help it stick. When you are painting with masking tape, it is important to get your angles down right with your airbrush.

This can help you save time and tape instead of having to tape down the whole model. Dakkajet

After your paint has thoroughly dried, peel off your tape going slow and easy. If you pull up a bit of paint, that’s fine. The wing that had everything taped off, all the lines are clean. On the other side with minimal tape, a small bit of color over-sprayed onto the unwanted parts. This will be ok since the model will be given a weathered look later.

There you have it, folks! A super easy way to get some nice straight paint lines on your models.

Don’t forget to check out this video below and check out all the painting tips from Jack of Clubs on YouTube and live on Twitch as well.