When you need to really bring the enemy to their knees, there is no better legion to summon that the Titan Legion!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 63 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
When the Primarchs join the battle, you better believe that not only are things dire, but they are about to get crazy as well!
Read MoreThere are many different forms in which Chaos takes shape in the material realm, and one of those forms is that of the Beastmen!
Read MoreThe Orks love a good WAAAAGGGGHHH so much that they will pretty much join anyone that is already taking place!
Read MoreIf you live in the Realms of Sigmar and would rather not obliterate your enemy, you can always challenge them to a Blood Bowl match!
Read MoreThe Tau have made so many different war machines and suits that it’s hard to remember the names of them all!
Read MoreThe Nighthaunt are not only terrifying just in the way they look, but they are terrifying in that they will never truly die!
Read MoreThere are lots of things that are scary out there in the world, but we don’t have magic so we don’t have to worry about real sorcerers!
Read MoreThere are so many different types of busts you could paint if you really wanted to today, there is no dirge of choices!
Read MoreThe Stormcast are the eternal heavenly warriors created to fight the eternal hellspawn that comes out of the Warp!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard has every tank you can possibly imagine and if they don’t have it, they can have it built that day!
Read MoreThe Titan Legions are some of the most impressive forces that mankind can bring to bear on an enemy!
Read MoreWhen the first legions fell to Chaos it was Lorgar who led them astray with his whispers of a universe beyond the veil!
Read MoreThe Tau have been working to expand their empire ever since they first found out there were other places out there!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard may have changed their name, but that doesn’t change the heart of who the Guard is!
Read MoreThe Titans are usually the last line of defense sent in, but that doesn’t mean that they are weak by any means!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines are always ready to breach the warp and reek havoc across the material realm, just give them the word!
Read MoreThe Eldar have been trying to push back Chaos since before man was even crawling out of the primordial wastes!
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