The Plight – Paint an Army in a Month Challenge!

Dark-eldar (1)

Come see Nick’s latest progress with the big one month Army Painting Challenge that he and his Dark Eldar have set out on!

Nick speaking from IDICBeer,

Welcome back to my challenge of painting my entire Dark Eldar army in one month! After a great start in week one where I got all the orange colours down. It was time to look at doing the hair and skin on my two thousand points Dark Eldar army. I already knew how I was going to paint the skin, light grey with a purple wash and then highlighting it back up with the grey, but I needed some inspiration for my hair colour, and some fluff for the army too!

As a massive Star Trek fan, the old styled Kabalite Warriors I have really remind me of the Kazon from Voyager, so I thought it would be fun to incorporate a bit of their fluff story into mine and paint my armies hair like one of their sects! I started with a base of dark green and washed it black, then I sponged on some brown and lighter green in a sort of stipple effect.

Not exactly the same, but good enough for me. Once I had the scheme locked and loaded I spent the rest of the week painting that and finishing the skin on the whole army…

Week three is next, where I will be painting all the weapons and spikes in a bone colour, and hope to make a start on some freehand. Feel free to pop over to my YouTube Channel to see my progress…

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