Forge World Reveals Another New Space Marine Tank For Pre-Order

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityForge World updated the pre-order section of their site once again, bringing in even more models into the Horus Heresy. Check out this new Arquitor variant.

Forge World’s pre-order section has been updated once again. This time, more Horus Heresy support is coming. FW has really been pushing the Arquitor for the game lately as they’ve just brought in another new weapon variant. Check it out.

The Arquitor is up for pre-order now and will ship on March 20, 2020.

Legion Arquitor Bombard with Morbus Heavy Bombard $148

Legion Arquitor bombard morbusThe Legion Arquitor Pattern Bombard is a heavy artillery platform designed to operate at the forefront of the Legiones Astartes advance. Equipped with a reinforced chassis and brutal short-range firepower, it is called upon to break the most stubborn of fortifications or to annihilate massed enemy infantry and armour.

legion arquitor bombard morbus 2This highly detailed 45-part resin kit makes one Legion Arquitor Pattern Bombard with Morbus Heavy Bombard.

Rules for fielding the Legion Arquitor Pattern Bombard are available as a free PDF download.

legion arquitor rulesLooking at the datasheet, the Morbus Arquitor gets two types of ammo. One for shredding infantry thanks to Fleshbane and Ignores cover especially. Meanwhile, you’ve got the brute strength of a S10 AP2 blast to blow a hole through enemy armor.

In all honesty, those explosive shells are just as great at killing Infantry too.

With another Arquitor model on the way, what’s been your favorite variant you’ve seen? Will Legions like Death Guard and Iron Warriors be able to play fluffy, and extremely effective lists of unrelenting artillery fire? 

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