RUMORS: GW’s Female Boxing Day Exclusive Model Spotted

question chaos marine hor walDon’t miss what could be the latest exclusive miniature from GW to be revealed. Or this could just be an elaborate hoax. Either way, this is a new model of some sort…

Every year, GW releases an exclusive”Boxing day” miniature around the holidays as a special treat. However, you might remember that we never saw a 2018 Boxing Day model last year. Previously there was the Horus Heresy Primus Medicae in 2016 and the new Sly Marbo for 2017. However, if you remember, 2018 never got the model.

Be sure to check out the latest on the 2018 Boxing Day mini before jumping into these new rumors.

Latest Rumors: 2018 Boxing Day Mini Spotted?

Spotted on War of Sigmar (original source unknown)

amazonia gothique boxing day

This was originally spotted somewhere on Reddit. However, under the comments on War of Sigmar’s post, there was a user named Sarges who shed some light. This looks to be a quote from an ex GW store manager he found:

Ex gw store manager here, used to manage a store last year.
Now this was supposed to be released as a limited Christmas model in December 2018. We were told a future planned release ‘the amazonian’ had been pulled.
Don’t know if this was due to quality issues etc.
Don’t know if this is a leaked picture of what was supposed to be released or if this is now being released.

necromunda art

Sound familiar? If you remember the rumors in 2018 about the fate of the boxing mini, here’s what multiple store managers had to say:

Multiple GW store managers/staffers have confirmed to Spikey Bits that the Boxing Day mini didn’t show up because the model was deemed “not suitable”. They also said that it was supposed to have been a Clan Escher model of some type from Necromunda.

While nothing isn’t NOT fake-able, it’s pretty convincing to see a Finecast mini on-sprue and sealed in a plastic wrapping. Plus, it’s still not 0ut of the realm of possibility for GW to use Finecast. Question is why the Age of Sigmar?

commissar severina kaine

We saw Severina Raine released earlier this year in Finecast. 

So what model from the Eschers could have potentially been so controversial that it was supposedly deemed “not suitable” that the Boxing Day exclusive was scrapped (or was that even the case altogether)?

Well, we can think of one model that has perhaps still not aged very well. Do you remember D’onne Ulani or “Mad Donna” as she was originally called in the early years?

mad donna

Case of Mistaken Identity? Mad Donna Vs. The Amazonia (art by Mark Gibbons)

Where do we stand with all this? As we said before, nothing is confirmed. However, the chances of this model being real and possibly the 2018 Boxing Day mini that was held back can’t be ignored. If this is going to be the (originally 2018) Boxing Day mini that’ll be released in 2019, will you be grabbing one? Is she going to lead your Escher gang in Necromunda?

Do you even think these rumors are real? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!