AoS Building a 2,000 pt Army With Vorgaroth The Scarred

By Travis Perkins | October 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Khorne, Tactics, Warhammer 40k Army Lists

Ginormous Khorne Dragon Finally Comes To Pre-Order!

The biggest baddest Age of Sigmar dragon is here, and we show you how to build a 2,000 point army with Khorne’s Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok!

Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne is nuts! His warscroll is insane, the model looks insane, and its price tag is insane. ($580). I expect to never see this model on the table because of that price point, but if you have $580 sitting around and think to yourself you need a giant Khrone dragon then you might want to build a list like this.

AoS Building a 2,000 pt Army With Vorgaroth The Scarred

khorne AoS Building a 2,000 pt Army With Vorgaroth The Scarred

This is going to be different then the other Khrone lists I have done in the past as this bad boy is more than half the army. If your curious on what I think is a more competitive summoning Khorne army list would be, check this one out. No, this list is all based around fielding the baddest dragon in the Mortal Realms, getting him into combat, and keeping him alive.

Well we better start with the centerpiece of this army himself.


Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne:

Move Damage Table (14” down to 8”) fly, 3+ Save, 10 Bravery, 30 Wounds.

He has a single missile weapons balefire: Range 20”, 3 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 2+, with -3 Rend, for D6 Damage. Then he has 4 different melee attacks, starting with the axe: Range 1”, 12 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with -2 Rend, for 2 Damage. Then the claws attack: Range 3”, D6 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with Damage Table Rend (-3 down to -1), for 3 Damage. Next is the Jaws attack: Range 3”, 2 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding Damage Table (2+ up to 6+), with -2 Rend, for 3 Damage. Finally, the tail attack: Range 3”, Damage Table Attacks (3D6 down to 1), Hitting and Wounding on a 4+, with -1 Rend, for 3 Damage.

With the ax attack if the target is a Monster you can re roll failed wounds roll. Also with the ax if the wound roll is an unmodified 6 it deals D3 mortal wounds in addition to its normal damage. When this model charges roll a dice for every unit within 1” at the end of the charge, on a 3+ they suffer D3 mortal wounds. Before you take a battleshock test for a friendly Khorne unit wholly within 12”, you can remove 1 model from the unit rather than taking the test.

This model can try and eat a friendly model within 3” by rolling a dice if it is equal to or more then the wound characteristic on the models warscroll remove it from play and heal Vorgaroth that many wounds. Subtract 3 from all casting and unbinding rolls from enemy wizards within 18” of this model. Finally, if you choose to do so you can set this model up in reserve and bring it into play at the end of the second movement phase more than 9” from enemy units.

gmm khorne 06

To make this army matched play legal we need to add 3 battle line units so let’s knock that out with 3 units of 10 Bloodreavers.

  • Bloodreavers – Battleline 1 of 3 (70 points)
  • Bloodreavers – Battleline 2 of 3 (70 points)
  • Bloodreavers – Battleline 3 of 3 (70 points)

Bloodreavers: Move 6”, 6+ Save, 5 Bravery, 1 Wound.

They have either a pair of Reaver Blades: Range 1”, 1 Attack, Hitting and Wounding on a 4+ (re-rolling 1’s to hit), for 1 Damage. Or they have a Meatripper Axe: Range 1”, 1 Attack, Hitting and Wounding on a 4+, -1 Rend, for 1 Damage. If they are within 12” of a Chaos Totem they make 2 Attacks rather than 1. The leader gets an additional attack, the banner adds 1 to the Bravery of the unit, and the hornblower adds 1 to run and charge rolls.

You are now sitting at 1410 with just 3 units of Bloodreavers and your giant dragon, so we need to take some leader troops for capturing objectives and buffing troops.

  • Slaughterpriest – Leader 2 of 6 (100 points)
  • Bloodstoker – Leader 3 of 6 (80 points)
  • Bloodsecrator – Leader 4 of 6 (140 points)
  • Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage – Leader 5 of 6, Behemoth 2 of 4 (260 points)

gmm khorne 05

Slaughterpriest: Move 6”, 5+ Save, 8 Bravery, 6 Wounds.

He has either a double-handed axe: Range 2”, 3 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, for 2 Damage. Or he carries the following, a hackblade: Range 1” 3 Attacks, Hitting on a 3+, Wounding on a 4+, for 1 Damage, and a hammer: Range 3”, D3 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 4+, for 1 Damage. They can unbind 1 spell in the hero phase in the same manner as a wizard.

They can also attempt to pray for one prayer, on a 4+ the prayer goes off, on a 1 they suffer a D3 mortal wounds. They come with Blood Boil prayer (enemy within 16” takes D6 mortal wounds) and Blood Bind prayer (enemy within 16” runs towards your nearest unit).

Bloodstoker: Move 6”, 4+ Save, 8 Bravery, 5 Wounds.

Has two melee weapons the first is a blade: Range 1”, 3 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, for 1 Damage. The second is a whip: Range 3”, 3 Attacks, Hitting on a 3+, Wounding on a 4+, for 1 Damage. He can whip a Khorne unit within 12” to add 3” to all run and charge rolls, and they can re-roll wound rolls of 1.

Khorne Bloodsecrator

Bloodsecrator: Move 4”, 3+ Save, 9 Bravery, 5 Wounds.

He has a one melee attack an axe: Range 1”, 4 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, for 1 Damage. He can choose not to move and open a portal of skulls which makes all Khorne units within 18” immune to battleshock and adds 1 to their melee attacks. It also makes all successful casting rolls be re rolled if they are within 18”.

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage: Move Damage Table (10” down to 6”) fly, 4+ Save, 10 Bravery, 14 Wounds.

He has one melee weapon his great axe: Range 2”, Attack Damage Table (4 down to 2), Hitting on a 4+ (re rolling 1’s if he charged), Wounding on a 2+, with -2 Rend, for D6 Damage. If the wound roll is a 6 each enemy unit also suffers a damage table mortal wounds (3 down to 1). Finally, he has a command ability that lets your re roll the dice when determining the charge distance for Khorne Daemon units within 8” in your charge phase.

This brings you up to 1990 points and gives you a lot of threats all over the place. In the center of your army you have a giant dragon that is going to kill a lot of stuff. On one side of him you have a Bloodthirster, and on the other you have 3 units of Bloodreavers and a portal to Khornes realm opening.

Blades of khorne 2


First, I am going to make the Bloodsecrator my general and give him the Berzerker Lord command trait and the Banner of Wrath unique artifact. He is going to be main support along with 2 or 3 of the units of Bloodreavers, which is by far the weakest side of your force, so they will all need buffing. If you can get him into a good position and then throw down the banner it might take a lot longer for your opponent to chew through those units then normally would. The Slaughterpriest is going to take the Resanguination prayer so that if your dragon is in a different damage table but is close to an upper tier you can cast that and heal him up D3 wounds and hopefully bump him up a level. Finally, your Bloodreavers can take either the meat axes or reaverblades, either works with the meat axes being slightly better but either one is fine.


Winning an objective heavy battle with this force will be difficult as you are very limited in your troops, so it really is battleplan dependent. Your goal should be to score as many objectives early as you can with your Bloodreavers and non-dragon heroes. Starting the game, I would put a unit of the Bloodreavers in front of Vorgaroth to act as a buffer should your opponent try a turn one charge. After that Vorgaroth should be in the thick of things fighting every turn if possible. If you get the first turn you can whip him using the Bloodstoker and maybe get him within charge range turn one. Try and keep your Slaughterpriest close enough to Vorgaroth to use his heal prayer every turn to keep him alive if he is damaged.

Should Vorgaroth fall your army is toast. While your opponent is focused on Vorgaroth use your Bloodthirster to either claim opponents’ objectives or wreak havoc in your opponent’s backfield, he might fall to the combined might of some spells and missile fire or elite troops but that is damage that is being done to him not Vorgaroth. On the other side use your small troops to hold middle ground or your own objectives using that the Bloodscerators portal to make sure your troops don’t run.

While they might not live longer than a turn or two should your opponent focus on them that is more time for Vorgaroth to just chew through your opponent’s army. One spot this army is weak against is mortal wounds so be sure to spend your Blood Tithe points wisely if your facing Nagash, for example, be sure to have two blood tithe points in your pocket to auto unbind the 50 / 50 delete unit spell.

There you have it. This is one way you could make Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne work within a 2000-point army. Is it viable? I have no idea as his warscroll is incredibly scary on paper, but the limited model count army means that your opponent can try and pick off your other leaders and Bloodreavers. You might table your opponent, but they will be able to score more objectives than you and still win.

There is also a chance that Vorgaroth the Scarred and Skalok the Skull Host of Khorne just decimates your opponent before they can score anything, and you win that way. Either way, he is a sweet model and if you’re able to get him on the table I am sure your opponent’s jaw will just drop win or lose.


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