Checkout Privateer Press’ Army In A Box!

By Rob Baer | February 5th, 2015 | Categories: Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products

Wanna play Warmahordes?? Now may be the time, as it has never been easier.

Checkout the latest Army in a box, products that Privateer is putting out in May (complete with rulebook)


WARMACHINE: All-in-One Army Box—Cryx $129.99

The quickest and easiest way to storm the battlefields of WARMACHINE!

A perfect entry point for new players and an amazing value for seasoned vets looking to start a new faction, this All-in-One Army Box contains everything you need to quickly field a complete and competitive army suitable for every battlefield engagement—from casual games at home to organized leagues and tournaments. The conveniently sized rulebook containing the full core rules, along with the included strategy cards, will equip you with all you need to lead your army to victory!

This box (PIP 33126) contains a complete 35-point army with the following models:

  • – Warcaster Wraith Witch Deneghra (white metal)
  • – Leviathan Helljack (plastic)
  • – 2 Nightwretch Bonejacks (plastic)
  • – Bane Riders Unit (5)(plastic)
  • – Bane Thralls Unit (10)(plastic)
  • – Bane Thrall Officer & Standard Unit Attachment (white metal)
  • – Warwitch Siren Solo (white metal)


This limited edition All-in-One Army Box is a special introductory offer aimed at new players as well as existing players wanting to add a new faction to their collection.

This All-in-One Army Box is nearly a $200 value with an MSRP of $129.99, representing a 42% savings off MSRP.


HORDES: All-in-One Army Box—Circle Orboros $129.99

The quickest and easiest way to storm the battlefields of HORDES!

A perfect entry point for new players and an amazing value for seasoned vets looking to start a new faction, this All-in-One Army Box contains everything you need to quickly field a complete and competitive army suitable for every battlefield engagement—from casual games at home to organized leagues and tournaments. The conveniently sized rulebook containing the full core rules, along with the included strategy cards, will equip you with all you need to lead your army to victory!

This box (PIP 72092) contains a complete 35-point army with the following models:

  • – Warlock Kromac the Ravenous (white metal)
  • – Warpwolf Stalker Heavy Warbeast (plastic)
  • – Gnarlhorn Satyr Heavy Warbeast (plastic)
  • – Gorax Light Warbeast (plastic)
  • – Tharn Blood Pack Unit (6)(plastic)
  • – Shifting Stones Unit (3)(white metal)
  • – Stone Keeper Unit Attachment (white metal)
  • – Lord of the Feast Solo (white metal)

This limited edition All-in-One Army Box is a special introductory offer aimed at new players as well as existing players wanting to add a new faction to their collection.

This All-in-One Army Box is nearly a $200 value with an MSRP of $129.99, representing a 38% savings off MSRP. 


Steep discounts, and a rulebook to boot? I think Privateer is on to something once again. Checkout some of the other kits that are already available in the Army in a Box format!