Experience The End Times Cheap: Vermintide Humble Bundle!

vermintide-humble-bundle-title-hor-wal-1Time is ticking on this deal; get almost $200 in Warhammer Fantasy Video Games for just $25 in the latest Vermintide Humble Bundle!

Humble Bundle has another listing available for some Warhammer video games. There are different tiers, so you can pay what you feel obligated to for the content. On that note, at the time of writing this, there are about three days left before it ends!

So don’t sit around and miss out if you want anything in the bundle, as you won’t find this kind of value again soon!

New Vermintide Franchise Humble Bundle!

vermintide ii chaos wastes

Take on relentless swarms of Skaven and ruinous hordes of Chaos in the renowned Warhammer: Vermintide franchise! This plague-ridden bundle features the original 4-player co-op hit Vermintide and its acclaimed sequel Vermintide 2, along with a war chest full of DLC. Play new careers including the Grail Knight and Outcast Engineer, take on new challenges in Shadows Over Bögenhafen and Winds of Magic, outfit yourself with cosmetics, and more—all while supporting Cancerfonden and the charity of your choice!

The last bundles we covered were for RPG Books, but they have more than just that this time! Here is everything available in the last bundle we featured.

Now let’s check out the contents of the current 21-item bundle that can net you a $189 total value for just $25!

Pay Just $1

vermintide humble bundle $1

The first tier is pretty sweet, and for only a dollar, you get the original Vermintide and Collectors Edition upgrade! Pretty hard to beat that. Considering this is a fantastic game in an iconic time of Warhammer history, you get a great amount of lore to go off and potential playtime! As far as critics’ and players’ responses, this was very well-received and would make for great sessions. 


Pay $10+ to Unlock

vermintide humble bundle $1o

The $10 level starts unlocking all the 1st game DLCs and the base Vermintide 2 game. If you haven’t had a chance to try these yet, this is a no-brainer! If you spend more than ten bucks on lunch, you might as well get some entertainment.

Pay $15+ to Unlock

vermintide humble bundle $15The next level gets the first two DLCs for the second game and one of the DLC classes! Plus as a bonus, you’ll get the collector’s edition upgrade on top of it all.

Pay $18+ to Unlock

vermintide humble bundle $18

This level gets you 21 items with a ton of content and some fun class and map options, thanks to the DLCs.  If you need a new outlet to have fun in the End Times for the next couple of months, might as well go big.

Will you be picking any of these up? Do you like the Vermintide Series?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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