HS Stencil System Kickstarter Works Great for Airbrush & Paintbrush

HS Stencil SystemGet quality patterns on your minis with a paint brush OR airbrush, with the HS Stencil System Kickstarter!

Everybody knows how much of a pain it can be to get patterns onto your models, especially if you want them to look consistent. Luckily for you, however, this Kickstarter from Anarchy Models has you covered.

They’re currently releasing the 4th wave of their HS Stencil System, offering plenty of options for different high-quality patterns.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at what they have to offer.

Anarchy Models Drops HS Stencil System Kickstarter

Edge Monster


Brand new for this Kickstarter, Edge-Monster stencil sets!

These are a large, multi-piece set so you can paint most sizes of monsters/space bugs (equivalent size/amount of stencils to around 3x HS stencils). 

Edge-Monster#1 – Karkinos.

Named for the Greek Crab god, as well as the Giant crab from my favourite video game of many years (Ark), this pattern takes inspiration from the “Coconut Crab” scheme popularised by the awesome Catgut Painting

Edge-Monster#1 - Karkinos.

Edge-Monster#1 - Karkinos. 2

Edge-Monster#2 – Kraken

A tentacle  pattern for your space bugs, aliens and other gribblies!

Also could be used in other ways. Gerry from OnTableTop suggested tentacles on the edging of a cultists robe!

. Edge-Monster#2 - Kraken

. Edge-Monster#2 - Kraken 2

Edge-Monster#3 – Cerberus 

Named for the 3 headed giant dog, guardian of the underworld, a fitting name for a pattern featuring rows of many teeth or claws!

Edge-Monster#3 - Cerberus

Edge-Monster#3 - Cerberus 2

Edge-Monster#4 – Kaiju

Edge-Monster#4 - Kaiju

Edge-Monster#4 - Kaiju 2

Edge-Monster#5 – Tarasque.

Edge-Monster#5 - Tarasque.

Edge-Monster#5 - Tarasque. 2

There’s also a 6th Edge Monster variant planned for reveal later in the campaign.


In addition to the new Edge Monster patterns, they have dozens of other rad patterns available for you to choose on their Kickstarter as well!

Stencil Example

HS Stencils Description:

  •  Fully re-usable – With proper care, HS Stencils will last for years.

  •  Semi-transparent – You can see where you are putting the stencil.

  •  Washable and solvent proof– Simply clean with a suitable substance for the paint you are using (cleaning video at the bottom of the page).

  •  Thin and flexible– Will produce a softer edge – In some cases you may not want a really crisp edge like our HD stencils provide.

  •  Not sticky – HS are used either freehand or by taping to the model/item.

  •  Quick to use – you do not have to spend time making sure the stencil is stuck to the item, and in some cases you may not need to mask off the rest of the item.

  •  Easy to use – create amazing paintwork, quickly, with even a basic level of skill.

  •  Best used with an airbrush 

  •  Many CAN  be used WITHOUT an airbrushwith a stipple bush technique. More on this soon.

Stretch Goals

Stretch Goals2

Stretch Goals

Stretch Goals3

They have varying pledge tiers depending on how many stencils you want, ranging from £11 to £175, with plenty of options for customizing your order.

That does it for this one, so if you’ve been in the market for a way to step up your pattern game, go check out these stencils! This Kickstarter ends October 22nd, so don’t miss out!

Click Here For Your HS Stencil System