First Look White Dwarf #18 – New ORKS Spoiler

Gather up the Ladz, cause there is a Waaagh about to go down!

The Orks have taken over this issue of White Dwarf for their first new release in who knows how long.
Just about the whole magazine was “Orkified” somehow in the first of what looks to be a few weeks worth of issues dedicated to the Orks!

So if you’ve been waiting for years for the new Orks, this White Dwarf issue may just be worth picking up!

Plus there was a little spoiler shot of what looks like some new plastic MEGA NOBZ as well on the rules page for the Morkanaut!

Even though nearly every page in this issue is a preview of some sorts for new Orkanaut, they still managed to sneak in a few studio articles in the back, like this great Paint Splatta’ article painting some of those sweet Orky details!

Unfortunately there wasn’t too much on the new 7th Edition of Warhammer 40k, besides a how to make objectives article, as I guess for the studio, and White Dwarf Staff its old news by now perhaps?

Either way it would have been fun to see maybe a new 7th Edition Battle Report or something IMHO.

Want more revelations from Gork (or possibly Mork)? Checkout our latest video White Dwarf review (with guest commentator Knight 12), and stop back by this weekend for even more Ork goodies! -MBG