Check out this amazing Siege of Terra Mega-Diorama from Adepticon 2011. What ever club was responsible for building, heck even taking on such an ambitious project should pat themselves on the back, as this rocks. This board definitely ranks up there with some of the most spectacular hobby displays I have ever seen. Let’s take a closer look, as I attempt to […]

Read More | November 3rd, 2011

Around the shop, it always seem to come up about which primer I use, and why. So today I figured I’d talk about it a bit, and see what you all think. First off I just want to say never ever use that crap from Wal Mart.Krylon is okay sometimes but that is about it. […]

Read More | November 2nd, 2011

This weekend sees host to a new tournament format out west, called Feast of Blades.  It features lots of mini qualifiers at different stores throughout the southwest for players to earn a spot at the invitational played at the end of the year (not unlike ‘ard boyz, etc). But whats different about this is that while […]

Read More | November 1st, 2011

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we take a look at my Dan Johnson’s Chaos Space Marines […]

Read More | October 31st, 2011

Help us get to our goal of a shooting star (for 10,000 positive feedback) on eBay by Christmas! All you have to do is check out our new promotion over at the Spikey Bits eBay store! So far its been hugely popular! The best part is, each time you buy from our store, the proceeds help support this […]

Read More | October 31st, 2011

Well it’s not that far off really, time to get ready for the Spikey Bits Tanksgiving Conversion Contest! What’s it all about you ask? Well you all have about 1 month give or take, to convert up a tank and enter it to win a Baneblade Super-Heavy Tank!But you’re not making just any tank my […]

Read More | October 30th, 2011

Presenting the Second Place finisher in the Hobby Wreck Challenge; Reid with his destroyed Land Raider. I wanted to showcase the second place finisher in his own post, so nothing is taken away from either of the two entries. When I saw this wreck I knew I liked it because it’s was well done, and I feel it […]

Read More | October 30th, 2011

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we take a look at a Genestealer form my Waterbugz army. […]

Read More | October 30th, 2011

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once. It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from […]

Read More | October 29th, 2011

Were back and today i have for you the Hobby Wreck Challenge Winners! First off thanks to all who entered! The entries were all very well done, and it was nice to break up the pre-Necron hobby monotony, with a little inspirational contest. First Place goes to Isotope99 with his entry entitles “Seatbelts Save Lives” (a […]

Read More | October 29th, 2011

My buddy Beef (hold the cheddar) stopped by the other day with a new WIP, a Ravenguard Dakka Dreadnought. He converted this puppy up good, with a bunch of solid true scale aspects, heck you can’t even tell those are sentinel legs till you see it from behind. The model kinda almost reminds me of […]

Read More | October 28th, 2011

WOOT! We just got our White Dwarf in, and it’s full of; NECRONS! Plus the best part is, there are rules in there as well! The street date is today, so head on down to your local FLGS and checkout all there is to know on the new shiny robots!Unlike another site…. I won’t blatantly shred Games Workshops Intellectual property for personal […]

Read More | October 27th, 2011

A little while ago I did a tutorial on my Pre-Heresy Iron Fists Army, but I left one model out- my Librarian. Today we’re going to take a look how I made him, and how you can make your own (as there is no model for the Power Armor Librarian right now- sad pandas) Back in the […]

Read More | April 9th, 2019

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once. It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from […]

Read More | October 26th, 2011

Here is another custom FRAG! conversion from YepImadork. This guy’s definitely got some character, eh?  I for one have no idea how he opens doors, unless he just saws them in half, lol.  Jump below the fold for all the details. So for those of you not familiar with it there is an old board game out […]

Read More | October 25th, 2011

Well Jkin has been at it again. He’s taking a small break from his Thousand Sons army and working on something new. Now instead of making some Astartes look noble,  he’s afflicting a their vehicles with Nurgle’s Rot. I’m sold, because boy does it look good so far! He’s gone to town on this thing, […]

Read More | October 24th, 2011

Hey guys, I am in need of some Blogger HTML help. I have a new template I’d like to implement for the site, and just need someone to get the HTML all together for me. I’d be willing to provide some store credit for your efforts. I was working with a gentleman a few months […]

Read More | October 23rd, 2011

The Mechanicon GT is coming up in just two short weeks.  This is a great tournament series in the North East that I really enjoyed the first year I went. I recommend checking it out, as Tony and crew put on a great event. MechaniCon 2011 – November 4-6West Chester, PAhttp://www.themechanicon.com/1/ Rules Pack From Tony: MechaniCon is […]

Read More | October 22nd, 2011

Welcome back to another polite rant/ clarification about a topic I feel very strongly about, the Necron Leak by Beast of War. First of all I wanted to clear up several serious points that were bugging me.  I do not think the leak was a bad thing for the hobby, personally I enjoyed seeing the photos and can not […]

Read More | October 20th, 2011

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we take a look at my old Chaos Daemon Prince w/ […]

Read More | October 19th, 2011