Are These The Bases You’ve Been Looking For?

By Rob Baer | July 19th, 2016 | Categories: Basing, miniature basing, Product Review

elriks hobbies bases

Elrik’s Hobbies is coming in hot with some really amazing bases right out of the gate. If you have a basing project you want to get done, check out Elrik’s!

Today we’re looking at some really fantastic and exciting bases from Elrik’s Hobbies, a company based right here in the United States. They’re a bunch of great guys and some high quality castings. I know I’ve been taking a deep look at their site and doing my hobby pipe dreaming.


Meanwhile, I’m looking at my Iron Warriors and realizing I need to rebase them; sigh, I guess I’ll have to order some bases. Enter Elick’s Hobbies.

They’ve got about 20 different products out there. Granted, some other companies have many more but I strongly believe that at the end of the day three things should top your list: Customer Service, Speed, and Design.

In North America we’re all about choice. It’s what makes our country great and what makes this hobby great. One day you’re a hobbyist and the next day you’re taking a product to the market. Sometimes, you get the opportunity to enrich the hobby for a lot of folks and that’s exactly what these guys are doing over at Elrik’s Hobbies.

Based in the Midwest, so it’s centrally located to both East and West coast.

You can see my demo Iron warrior is here to keep it real for scale.


But when you pick these bases up you can see the amazing detail, look at all those little grains of sand there’s virtually bubbles on top where it matters. This is a high quality cast made with good equipment putting out a high quality product. They’ve got more bases coming.

Those Details Tho.

Yes, other companies overseas make great bases too but you know I hate ordering something and then having to wait for what seems like an eternity to get my stuff. If I get the urge to base I want to base now before I lose my Hobby Mojo (Maybe I’m just a spoiled American but Elrik’s is here to save the day).


They’ve got rounded lip, trench inspired, plank styles. It’s got sweet ammo crate and ammo can in there.


They’re making all sorts of bases, ovals and such, that seems like the way to go right now. I’m okay with rebasing all my stuff to ovals because which gives you a bigger footprint but and some low count model armies need all the help they can get when it comes to ignore cover blast templates.


I’m digging this Thousand Sun/Tomb King-y style base.


They’ve also got some terrain up on their site. They’ve also got some really sweet inserts which are very consistent in size and shape. It’s also cost and time effective solution.


They even have square to round base inserts for converting your Fantasy army.


Each theme has different styles of bases so that you can cover all the aspects of your army. Here’s the Slate style bases.


Their Knight bases included plenty of space for the Knight feet which is really amazing because sometimes these base makers create amazing bases but don’t leave any practical place to actually attach your model to it- whoops!


They have a big 130mm round base for something like a Blood Thirster or a defiler.


Their shale line comes in 25mm 30mm , bike pill bases, 60mm bases, and various styles for each one. Like I said, lot of bases don’t leave enough room for the model but these guys get it – they leave space for the model. Plus they even have one-click bundles, for your shopping cart, and now you got one of everything and that comes in handy for making objectives.


Here’s what a long time buddy of mine and fellow hobby maniac had to say about their cyberpunk bases that he used for his Ad Mech army at LVO this year:

These are very good and solid bases using strong resin and no fillers. The bottom the base is sanded down to get rid of irregularities left over from the casting process.  Hand-made (artisanal, you might say) right here in the U.S. of A. They have a wide variety of bases in all the standard sizes, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 60 etc.

And even the new oval bike and cavalry type bases. They feature beveled bases and rounded to fit your particular game system be it Warhammer 40K, or WarmaHordes, Malifaux, and Infinity. They have a wide type of bases as well. The old standards of plain, lava, cobblestone, diamonplate etc… but they have a few designs that really stand out. Their Egyptian bases feature ancient hieroglyph-ridden relics peaking forth from beneath sandy dunes.

Their cyberpunk bases combine diamonplate pattern, circuitboard inspirations, and piping to create an industrial tech look that just perfect for that techie megacity feel. I used these for my Cult Mechanicus allied force at the LVO and got lots of questions about them. They look fantastic.  Their slate bases are neat too and might have a lot of my space wolves on them in the near future. Where the Slate bases really shine is in the flying base.

The cross pattern for the flight stand is cut into the base and it is pretty deep.  So what I’ve been able to do was put some Hobby-Tac putty in the cross part and then press the flying base down into it. Now, it might not hold up some of the heavier resin forge world flyers, but it works great on most of the GW flyers and you can take apart the flying base for easier storage and transport.  It’s a serious game-changer when you’re trying to figure out where to put all those flying stands.

Overall, these bases are a fantastic value for the quality of what you’re getting.  I can’t wait to see what else these guys have in store. (I’ve got some hints, but I’m not allowed to say yet). They will be in the vendor hall at Adepticon.

-Mike H.

Finally The Bases You’ve Been Looking For?