Catch The Moon: The Ultimate Ladder Match Game

By Christopher Guyton | November 29th, 2018 | Categories: Board Game Reviews, Board Games, Product Review


If you’re looking for a super light dexterity game with a charming theme, try and Catch the Moon, games take about 20 minutes!

Catch the Moon is a 2-6 player dexterity game designed by Fabien Riffaud and Juan Rodriguez and published by Bombyx games. Catch the Moon is currently being published in the United States by Surfing Meeple.

Catch the Moon: $29.99

Get yours for less at Miniature Market

catch the moon

Climbing through the clouds to catch the Moon…what a wonderful dream! All it takes is some skillfully placed ladders, a good sense of balance, and a touch of imagination. The Moon is eager for you to reach her, but she’s sensitive: she will shed a tear at the slightest misstep in your climb.

With the right mix of risk-taking and caution, you will become the most agile of dreamers.

30 Wooden Ladders
7 Wooden Moon Tears
1 Plastic Base
1 Wooden Die
1 Rulebook

Ages: 6+
Players: 2-6
Game Length: 20 minutes

Catch The Moon: The Ultimate Ladder Match Game

Catch the Moon is a super light game that takes roughly twenty minutes to play. The object is that the players are trying to climb ladders in order to reach the Moon. The Moon is very sensitive and will cry each time you make a mistake. Each player will roll the dice to see what the stacking rule is. Simply enough there are only three rules. One ladder means the ladder that you place has to only touch one other ladder. Two ladders, you guessed it, can only tough exactly two ladders no more no less.

The last symbol is a Moon which means you can touch anything you need, however, your ladder must be the highest point in the structure. Mess up any of these rules and you gain a moon tear. The player that takes the last moon tear is eliminated from the game and the player with the fewest is the winner. Alternatively, the game will end once all the ladders are used. Any ladder that fall are returned to the game box and are not used.

catch the moon

Catch the Moon is a fun quick dexterity game. I understand dexterity games are not for everyone, however the simplicity and beauty of this game is something to check out. I really enjoyed the game sessions my group and I played. I will say, it gets kinda nerve racking once your down to the final tear and it’s your turn to place a ladder. You so badly do not want to be the one to make a mistake and take that last moon tear. But as fast as this game plays and the ease of which this is to teach you will play several rounds and not even realize it.

catch the moon

I discovered this game at Origins Game fair and was pleased to learn that Surfing Meeple was bringing this to the United States with an English translation. I obtained a copy at Gencon this year and wasn’t disappointed. It’s definitely one of my top dexterity games due to  it not being super unforgiving.

The component quality for Catch the Moon isn’t fantastic.  The wooden ladders are quite well made and smell of cedar.  The base is even shaped like a fluffy cloud and the inside of the box has a velvet texture to it making it perfect as a dice tray if desired.  Even the rule book is great featuring a beautifully illustrated synopsis of the game’s story.

catch the moon

I definitely recommend this game especially if you love dexterity style games with a charming theme. Even if you don’t fancy dexterity games, give this one a chance as it may surprise and grow on you.

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