2 New Daemons of Slaanesh Revealed!

keep of secrets slaanesh loreGW revealed two new Daemons of Slaanesh (that are quite large) for an upcoming Broken Realms book- check out the newest minis on the way!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the consequences of Morathi’s decisions. When the Hag Queen ascended, she opened a new portal of pure Slaanesh power. The beings that emerged are powerful twins that are the mirror of each other.

new daemons of slaanehsIt looks like you can choose which to build, and they’ll come in one kit. They look pretty massive and a serious force to be reckoned with! You can either go with the daemon who loves magic, or the one with a thirst for CC. Let’s check them out!

2 New Daemons of Slaanesh Revealed!

GW has been releasing the new Broken Realms minis like crazy lately, and we’re not complaining! These are coming hot on the heels of the new Lord Kroak mini, and we may see them in the same book.

Daemon of SlaaneshEmbodying the lethal, ferocious aspect of Slaanesh’s lust for battle, Dexcessa is a combatant of power and grace rarely seen even among the ranks of greater daemons. With wicked-sharp claws and the Scourge of Slaanesh in their grasp. The Talon of Slaanesh soars to ever-greater heights of blissful butchery from the moment the first drop of blood hits the floor.

If you want to get all the pleasure you can from close combat, this is the variant for you! While they don’t give much about what the rules we can expect, with a mini this big, it should be good!

Daemon of Slaanesh 2The softly spoken word to their sibling’s keening war cry. Synessa derives far more pleasure from the manipulation of the mind than brute physical excess. While commanding eldritch magics is as easy as a snap of their fingers. The Voice of Slaanesh’s true power lies in the mesmerizing strength of their words, which are heard across a raucous battlefield by all of the Dark Prince’s devotees.

Who doesn’t love destroying your enemies with magic? Still, with this being so big, we assume this twin won’t be bad in combat either. Again, with how similar the minis are, you will be able to make either from the kit. You’ll either have to decide which you want more or somehow secure two. But with the allocations have been, that may be a tall task!

Are you excited about some new Slaanesh minis? Will you be picking them up?

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