Both the Adeptus Custodes and Genestealer Cults codex books are hitting pre-order this week as the first new rule updates of the year!
Check out the latest from Games Workshop this week, and get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders that will go live for pre-order on Saturday, January 8th around 1 pm Eastern.
Let’s check out the offerings!
It’s nice to finally grab these books as the Shadow Throne box has been out for a while now and we can actually see how everything works together!
While the individual releases for the Characters are not here yet, you can still find them on Shadow throne which is also available from Games Workshop and is still on store shelves for the time being…
Shadow Throne: Retail Price: $170
Shadow Throne is still out there to be had, so if you want to pick up either of these factions (or both) with a friend now is the time! Plus this is still the only way to get the Blade Champion or Reductus Sabatour for the time being besides the secondary market.
Get yours for less from Amazon here, or Dicehead Games here. Games Workshop’s Store Link
Now let’s check out the new books!
Codex: Genestealer Cults
Find new friends and make the world a better place with your local Genestealer Cults, guaranteed to give you the (psychically induced) sense of belonging you crave. The prophets of the Star Children are back to their old tricks, and they’re more dangerous than ever thanks to their Crossfire ability and engaging new Crusade rules.
As per usual, if you are especially excited you can get the collectors edition for a more premium, limited edition touch. Be sure to check out the latest rules and release rumors for the GSC all in one place right here.
Codex: Adeptus Custodes
Fresh from stamping out an infestation on Terra in the Shadow Throne boxed set, the Adeptus Custodes are taking to the galaxy once more, embarking on crusades to mete out the Emperor’s justice with their Sisters of Silence allies riding shotgun
Similarly, the Custodes also are getting a premium edition for any super fans that want something a little more special. Be sure to check out the latest rules and release rumors for the Adeptus Custodes all in one place right here.
Adeptus Custodes & Genestealer Cults Datacards and Dice Sets
Make your collections complete with a pack of dice representing your favourite factions from this week’s codex releases, complete with their logo on the six face, and then make sure you always have the rules you need close at hand with datacard sets for the Genestealer Cults and Adeptus Custodes. These sets include datacards for every Stratagem found in their respective codex and summaries of important faction rules, such as Martial Ka’tahs and Cult psychic powers.
While the dice are completely cosmetic, the data cards can help speed up your first few games, getting you into a point of memorization much faster.
Not the biggest release week per se but hey new rules updates are always welcome!
All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews
Are you excited about the new Adeptus Custodes or the Genestealer Cults Codex books that are finally hitting pre-orders?
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