All the New Warhammer Day Preview Models & Reveals

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openGames Workshop delivered with a ton of reveals headed into the holidays- check out everything from the Warhammer Day Preview!

With the event officially over, we’ve seen new minis for 40k, AoS, Blood Bowl, Warcry, Horus Heresy, and Warhammer Underworlds. So almost something for everybody!

All the Warhammer Day Previews & RevealsWarhammer Day Previews

Saturday the 30th of October is Warhammer Day and there’s no better way to celebrate than with an online preview!

All the big games are there with pretty much everything but Adeptus Titanicus, Aeronautica, and Necromunda.  So there was something for everyone pretty much this time around!

If you are curious, we also identified each of the shadowy figures from the silhouettes in the teaser image from left to right:

Darkoath Savagers 1The first silhouette is one of the Darkoath Savagers (second from left in image), which are a brand new Warband for Warcry facing off in a new two-player boxset.

Blackpowder’s BuccaneersThe second silhouette is for the first expansion Warband for the new season of Warhammer: Underworlds Harrowdeep. The big man (well technically he’s an Ogor) in front is known as Blackpowder.

shadow throne blade championAnd lastly, the third silhouette is the new Blade Champion coming to join the Adeptus Custodes Lineup. This model was also a rumor we initially saw before the preview!

Now let’s check out all the previews!

New Genestealer Cults & Adeptus Custodes Revealed


New Adeptus Custodes and Genestealer Cults are here along with their 40k codex books and Shadow Throne the new  2-player box set!


blade champion video


blade champion black background


Reductus Saboteur black background

New Shadow Throne 40k box Announced

Shadow throne box

The Genestealer Cults have found their way to the heart of the Imperium, and when such a threat to the Emperor rears its head the elite Adeptus Custodes will stop at nothing to stamp it out. 

The next big release for 40k has just been announced and it pits the Adeptus Custodes against the Genestealer Cults!

shadow throne contentsLooking at the contents of the box, we see mostly current models for each faction and Custodes grouped with Sisters of Silence, potentially hinting at new rules… But there are two new models! One for GSC and one for the Custodes, so let’s check those out in more detail.

Custodes Blade Champion

shadow throne blade champion

Leading the charge into the Cult’s lair is Aristothes Carvellan, a Blade Champion whose prodigious swordsmanship puts even his fellow Custodes to shame. Blade Champions are a new type of Character for Adeptus Custodes armies, who can switch between three different fighting styles to chop up any opponent, be they a colossal monster, a skilled leader, or a swarm of lesser creatures. 

Looks like the rumors were true! Custodes have been itching for some love, and will finally receive it! On the stream, this model was compared to a Lieutenant, so expect to see some abilities to reflect a decent leader.

Reductus Saboteur

Reductus Saboteur

To face such powerful warriors is to court death, and the Cult of the Pauper Prince knows that well. They turn to a hero of the Star Children’s revolution, Mersea Thrayk, a Reductus Saboteur who seeds the battlefield with explosives before battle is joined. Even the mighty Adeptus Custodes are hard-pressed to survive a mining charge detonating under their feet.

The Genestealer Cults new model is of course much more sneaky! In-stream, they described it as having unsuspecting enemies randomly blown up as they were actually standing on one of their buried bombs. We will just have to wait and see more on official rules to see how it actually works in-game.

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They also announced two new Codexes coming before the end of the year!

9th Edition Adeptus Custodes Codex

custodes codex 9th edition

The Shadow Throne box also contains Sisters of Silence. That’s because the new Codex: Adeptus Custodes combines the Talons of the Emperor into one book, adding the psyker-killing power of the Silent Sisters to your Shield Host.

As we hinted at, Sisters of Silence join the Custodes in a more direct fashion this time around, which might make Custodes better overall. Expect to see a full revamp as this is a stand-alone codex, not just a supplement for the other Space Marine chapters we have seen so far.

In the stream, they also mentioned that Sisters could be played as their own army, but you might be heavily restricting yourself.

9th Edition Genestealer Cults Codex

Gsc codex 9th edition

Offer praise to the Many-armed Emperor, dear child, for he has delivered a tome full of new and updated rules for the Genestealer Cults. Infiltrate a planet’s key institutions and ready your cult for the Day of Ascension with thematic Crusade rules, and ambush your prey with updated units and new abilities.

Of course, it couldn’t just be Custodes getting their update, so Genestealer Cult is also receiving their full 9th Edition codex this year! They were sure to mention a new point system to help prevent Genestealers from using up all of their CP on turn 2 as they are famous for their CP use, and in turn, running out of them quickly.

All the New 40k Adeptus Custodes Model & Rules Rumors

Codex release MapLet’s start with the reveal from GW as they said a Xenos and Imperial book are coming in December. Conveniently, this rumor has a Xenos and Imperial army coming in December as well!

Just to note, the artwork above is just stock, they’ve used it for every codex reveal thus far, so, unfortunately, you can’t read that much into the image itself.

Here’s the actual rumor from Reddit.

rumors GSCYou may notice that there is not only everything in there about the Black Templars release, but they also predicted the Sisters and Tau release for Kill Team as well, both from a post back in August!

So from what we know now about the new Shadow Throne box set and all the new Cutodes and GSC reveals at the Warhammer Day preview it looks like these are the two new books coming in the December release slot!

Adeptus Custodes Rules Rumors

Next up are the rules we’ve seen. Let’s take a look at the actual rules rumor from Reddit.

custodes rules rumorsWith so many other armies moving up in wounds, it makes sense they would give the buff to Custodes as well. The rumors say they are getting a new Lieutenant, so we’re not sure about the other new character rumors here, so we’ll see about that.

Adding army-wide heroic intervention could be a really cool idea, but they would need more if they tone down all their Stratagems. Bumping up the damage on weapons to D3 is seriously nice, especially bumping the Misericordia up to D2. It will make taking them basically an auto-include unless they go way up in points as well.

Genestealer Cults Codex Rules Rumors

Let’s take a look at the actual rules rumor from Reddit.

genestealers new rulesThere are some decent changes here, most notably, the change to ambush. While it’s a really cool mechanic, over time it sort of makes all your games feel similar.

The Saboteur is supposedly the new unit coming along with the Custodes/GSC Battlebox, and DS only 3″ away from something is really nice, but no charging is pretty lame.

Overall, the changes to the deployment side of things just seem like something they needed, so let’s hope that all comes true. Gaining cult creeds would be super strong for everything and adding some strength to Rending Claws would give the army a nice boost.

New AoS Maggotkin of Nurgle Releases On The Way


The Maggotkin of Nurgle are receiving the first non-Dominion battletome book for Age of Sigmar as it’s been 3 years since they received a battletome, so it feels about the right time for them to finally get an update.

We’ve also seen some Rumor Engines that hint toward some Nurgle-looking hints. So, if you play them, be on the lookout for those bits in the new previews below!


magotkin character video

Rotbringer Sorcerer

This sorcerer, an amalgam of human and fly, is a truly unsettling masterpiece of Nurgle’s dubious generosity. It’s also a brilliant update of a classic model, and it fits in perfectly with the existing Nurgle range. 

First and foremost, A brand new model comes to help out Nurgle’s forces in the Mortal Realms. Perhaps the Rotbringer Sorcerer will act like the AoS version of the Malignant Plaguecaster from 40k?

Luckily as it turns out, the new Battletome is right around the corner, which probably means the rest of those new battletome rumors for AoS were true as well because this listed this as first out of the gate for 3.0.

Maggotkin of Nurgle Battletome

Mark your calendars for December, when we expect the new battletome to arrive – just in time for Grandfather Nurgle to spread his sickening gifts to the world. Keep a single, rheumy eye peeled for more news about the Maggotkin, and we’ll keep you informed. 

December is very close! Nurgle’s followers are so close to the finish line, as they’ve now been waiting multiple years for their update!

Facing off against an army dedicated to Nurgle should be daunting, and now it feels that way. The various plagues and contagions have more impact, and the troops are just as hard to put down. Even more so if you bring along their most powerful daemon, the so-called Loci of Fecundity.

During the stream they hinted at pumping our mortal wounds if you get diseased by a Nurgle unit, even after they die, they will continue to chip away.

Now let’s take a look at the next three books that are rumored to be next after a newly reworked Maggotkin battletome.

Gloomspite Gitz

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playAgain, this is about a 3-year-old book, with how much things have changed with AoS in that time, not to mention a new edition, they need a little bit of work. They are still performing okay but could use some reworks.

We’re not sure what new minis they will get, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.

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ogors reinforced batsLet’s just say we are hoping beyond hope this is true, and that basically, they get a rehaul on almost all of their minis! We don’t even care about the book so much, just the need for some new minis!

A large portion of their units is from before the change over to AoS, meaning they haven’t been touched in years and years. This could be a massive overhaul, or if GW doesn’t feel like it, maybe they just redo a unit or two. Let’s just hope that’s not the case!

Beasts of Chaos

beasts of chaosYou know an army needs a rework when the pictures on the site for multiple of their units are still on square bases. It’s like GW just didn’t even care enough to change them to the new format over the years.

So, yeah, they need a rework and new minis! Maybe they and Ogors can come in a new starter box together with all new minis! One can dream, but according to these rumors, we don’t have that long to wait until we know for sure

New Primarch Model Revealed For Horus Heresy

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleThe last Primarch is here for the Horus Heresy, as the Warhawk of Chogoris Jaghatai Khan finally makes his glorious appearance on the tabletop.


Jaghatai Khan video

Jaghatai Khan, Horus Heresy Model

Jaghatai Khan black backround

Jaghatai Khan, the Primarch of the White Scars is fiercely proud and something of an outsider among his brothers, though as much by his own choice as the neglect of his kin. He revels in the hunt, but it’s once he’s run his prey to ground that Jaghatai excels – his lightning swiftness with a blade is such that many consider him the most skilled swordsman of all the Primarchs.

Jaghatai Khan detailsOf course, as with many of the Primarchs, he comes with a scenic base, on which he has slain a Death Guard Marine. If his figure was not imposing enough, he is sure to have deadly stats on the battlefield, as he was/is arguably the best sword fighter of all the Primarchs, who are already among the best in existence.

And if you’re a lore hound, he was actually spotlighted in the recent book Warhawk where he and Mortarion go head-to-head. You can check out that book here!

Reading about Jaghatai is one thing – unleashing him on the battlefield against the Traitor Legions is quite another! You won’t have long to wait before you can field the master of lightning warfare in your games of Horus Heresy, as he’ll be available early next year.

The new Jaghatai Khan model will be joining the rest of the Primarch miniatures from Forge World for their Horus Heresy line.

Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40kHere’s a look back at all of the Primarch models in the order they were released starting with Angron in 2012.

Angron Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Ferrus Manus Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

Lorgar Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Horus Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Mortarion Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Vulkan Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Conrad Kurze Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Robute Guilliman Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k


Perturabo Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Corvus Corax Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Leman Russ Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Magnus the Red Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Rogul Dorn Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Alpharius Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Sanguinius Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Lion El Johnson Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k


Jaghatai Khan Primarch Horus Heresy model miniature forge world warhammer 40k

Yep, that’s right, Horus Heresy the miniatures game, is almost 10 years old!

With no mention of the new Horus Heresy starter set that has already leaked, during the Warhammer Day preview, it looks like the rumored new edition of the game may officially be unveiled in January’s New Year preview or the return of the Horus Heresy weekend in February 2022.

New Warcry Red Harvest Starter Set Box

warcry-preview red harvest box Red Harvest is the new Warcry Box set featuring crazed spider-worshipers going head-to-head with a barbarian horde.


warcry whday video 2


warcry whday video 1

Warcry Red Harvest Box

Warcry Red Harvest Box

Red Harvest is set in the shadow of the Varanspire, Archaon’s monolithic fortress at the centre of the eight Mortal Realms. In the tormented plains that stretch out around it, the realmstone varanite is mined by hordes of enslaved mortals.

Red Harvest Contents

Then there’s a new double-sided gaming board, new tokens, dice, and Warcry cards. It’s both a game in a box and a super-sized expansion for existing Warcry fans – it contains everything a new player needs. 

Of course, this new box will have two brand new Warbands which we will look at below, but it also comes with new rules and a ton of great terrain to help jumpstart your Warcry games’ emersion.

Each Warband features a total of 10 models, for a combined total of 20 inside the box.

Tarantulos Brood Warband

Tarantulos Brood 1

Not content with wearing many-eyed masks and webbed clothes, these obsessive cultists use varanite to grow spidery mutations to scuttle around the Bloodwind Spoil and weave a web of domination.

Funny enough, these spider-worshipers actually look at the eight-fold sigil and formed a sort of religion around spiders, furthering the idea that there is so much more to the greater Chaos faction than the four gods.

Tarantulos Brood Warband

Darkoath Savagers 1

Arrayed against them are the muscular, leather-strapped Darkoath Savagers, who feel neither fear nor temperature.

Not to mention them carrying some huge weapons into combat, looking to steal some heads n’ cleave some limbs.

Darkoath Savagers 2

Like any good Chaos worshipper, the Darkoath Savagers respect might above all else. With rippling muscles, giant weapons, and more loincloths than you can shake a runestone at, they wade into battle seeking glory – either in victory or by a suitably worthy death.

Look for more on the new Warcry starter set including an unboxing when this releases.

Warhammer Day Blood Bowl & Underworlds Previews

dunegon-bowlNew Blood Bowl and Underworlds are here as pirates dig for treasure and football takes a dungeon-styled turn.

Warhammer Underworlds: Blackpowder’s Buccaneers


Blackpowder’s Buccaneers video

Coming straight from Warhammer CommunityBlackpowder’s Buccaneers are the very first expansion Warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep. And how fitting the first is a pirate!?

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers are the first warband expansion for this season of Warhammer Underworlds, following the Harrowdeep boxed set. They consist of an ogre pirate and his gnobblar crew – and being a pirate, he of course has to have a menagerie, so he’s also accompanied into battle by his pet parrot and a monkey. Not just any monkey, you understand – Mange is a monkey with a terrible attitude and a knife that’s perfect for cracking open crab shells. 

This Warband is led by the big Ogre known as Blackpowder, with his repurposed (and probably stolen) firearm. He’s also managed to corral some Gnooblars and animals to help him be a menace to other warbands.

There was a little talk about which was the best warcry animal, monkey or crab, and I gotta say… Team monkey all the way.

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers end screenNow onto Blood Bowl…

Blood Bowl: Dungeon Bowl Announced


Dungeon Bowl video 1


Dungeon Bowl video 2


Dungeon Bowl video 3

Coming straight from Warhammer Community, Dungeon Bowl is a throwback to an old format, bringing new life to Blood Bowl game options.

Dungeon Bowl book

Fans of a certain vintage will fondly recall this madcap game of subterranean sports mayhem, but if you’re not familiar, Dungeon Bowl is Blood Bowl played in cavernous, winding dungeons, arranged by the eight Colleges of Magic. The wizards put mixed teams together for their own amusement, and make the rules – and magical traps – as chaotic as possible for maximum carnage.

Of course, the Box will come with a full rules booklet, that will still be usable assuming they continue to support this new game type!

Dungeon Bowl contents

The first challenge? Your players have to explore the dungeon and rummage through treasure chests until they find the ball. Once one of the teams has it, they only need to score one touchdown to win the game. But that’s not as easy as it sounds…

Dungeon Bowl mixes Dungeon crawling and the satisfying gameplay of Blood Bowl for an potential home-run of a game mode.

Dungeon Bowl team 2

Every team is hand-picked by a wizard from one of the eight colleges, so you’ll see all manner of races and positions playing for both sides. There’s no pitch, no line of scrimmage, and few rules. You WILL find loads of portals, however, as well as tricksy traps and challenges. There MIGHT be a dragon…

The first of the two teams in the box is the College of Fire, who have chosen two hardy Ogres to guard choke points, while the Dwarves and Gnobblars can go search for the ball and score you some points!

Dungeon Bowl team 1The College of Shadow on the other hand will be noticeably more sneaky and are a little more skill dense with fewer models. Three Dark Elves and 4 Ratmen mean for an especially mischievous and cunning team.

However as WHC stated, there are at least 8 Colleges of magic, meaning we will hopefully see at least 6 more teams added to this updated gameplay option!

Dungeon Bowl also happens to be a fantastic way to learn the rules of Blood Bowl. With a thrilling narrative and setting, classic fantasy elements, and manic fun, it feels more like an immersive adventure game at times. Once you’ve played a few games, however, you’ll know just about everything you need for full games of Blood Bowl, making the transition simple. 

Think of this as a new entry point into Blood Bowl, getting to play teams with various races giving you a taste test of how their own teams might play, and a little bit of wacky dungeon mechanics sprinkled in. Obviously, this will also be great for veterans as the new mechanics will be even easier to pick up and learn.

Wondering what’s still out there? Check out all the latest from Games Workshop below!

All the GW 2021 Previews:

Latest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

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