AoS Broken Realms Teclis: Warscroll Rules Changes

By Travis Perkins | April 26th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

aos-broken-realms-teclis-bookBroken Realms Teclis brought tons of rules changes for Maggotkin, Cities of Sigmar, Flesh-eater Courts, and even the Ossiarch Bonereapers.

Don’t worry, I will cover the Lumineth warscrolls in another article. But for now, let’s get into the other battletome updates:

AoS Broken Realms Teclis: Warscroll Rules Changes

Broken Realms Teclis

Inside this 152-page hardback book, you’ll find:
-The thrilling tale of the Lumineth Realm-lords’ perilous campaign against the entrenched legions of Death – illustrated with stunning new art.
– New rules for the Lumineth Realm-lords, including a bevy of units from the Hurakan Temple. This book includes the full set of rules and background for every newly-released unit, so can be used alongside the first edition of Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords.
– Allegiance abilities for the Cities of Sigmar and Lumineth Realm-lords, representing Xintil, a Free City in Hysh, as well as the Great Nations of Alumnia and Helon.
– Rules for Streets of Death – battles in the tight confines of cities across the Mortal Realms.
– Six battleplans and Realms of Battle rules to help you recreate the events and locations from the story.
– A suite of warscroll battalions and rules to enhance your Cities of Sigmar, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Lumineth Realm-lords, Flesh-eater Courts, and Ossiarch Bonereapers.

Get Your Broken Realms Teclis Here

Maggotkin of Nurgle:

99079915004_SloppityBilepiper01Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle: Move 4’, 5+ Save, 10 Bravery, 5 Wounds.

He has a single melee weapon the Marotter: Range 1”, 4 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 2 Damage.

He has a 5+ wound ignore, adds 1 to the Braver of friendly Nurgle Daemons units wholly within 14”, and he can play a tune once per combat phase that does one of the following;

  • Add 1 to attacks characteristics of melee weapons by friendly Nurgle daemon units whole within 14”, hit rolls of 6 by friendly Nurgle Daemon units wholly within 14” inflict a mortal wound as well.
  • Or enemy models within 3” of enemy Nurgle Daemon units that are wholly within 14” cannot finish pile in moves closer to a model from that unit than they were at the start of the move.

This is a pretty big change from the Jolly Pipes he had in the Maggotkin of Nurgle book and seems to be way more useful. Given it comes at a 50-point increase from what he was at, but the usefulness of his abilities is very good support for a daemon army.

Spoilpox Scrivener:


Move 4”, 5+ Save, 10 Bravery, 5 Wounds.

He has one missile attack his sneezes: Range 6”, D6 Attacks, Hitting on a 2+, Wounding on a 4+, for 1 Damage. Then a Melee attack his Maw: Range 2”, 2 Attacks, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 2 Damage. He has a 5+ wound and mortal wound ignore, and he can pick a friendly Plaguebearer unit within 14” to do one of the following: Add 1 to attacks of melee weapons, Improve the Rend of melee weapons by 1, Add 1 to Save rolls of the unit.

Another solid change to his special abilities, making him much more versatile than before. Paired with the Sloppity Bilepiper you could make a Plaguebeaer unit either be super tanky (add 1 to save and prevent plie-ins) or make them a bigger beat stick with the additional attacks and mortal wound chance. Another point increase takes them up 40 points to 140, but I think well worth it.

Beasts of Nurgle:

beast of nurgle

Move 5”, 5+ Save, 10 Bravery, 8 Wounds.

They have two melee weapons the first is claws and maws: Range 1”, 4 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 Rend, for 2 Damage. Then tentacles and tongue: Range 1”, D6 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, for 1 Damage. They ignore wounds and mortal wounds on a 5+, when they retreat they roll a dice for each enemy within 3” on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, this model can run/retreat and charge in the same turn. And finally when this unit finishes a charge roll a dice for each model for each enemy unit within 1” and on a 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Another point increase of 20 points to 120 each, and the max unit size is down to 3 from 6. But they have a pretty big buff from where they were at in the Maggotkin Battletome so it is justified. These guys can put out more mortal wounds now and tie up enemy units so I think you can find a use for them in most Nurgle armies.

Invidian Plaguehost:

Invidian Plaguehost

Contains 1 Sloppity Bilepiper, 1 Spoilpox Scrivener, and 2 Plaguebearer units.

The first time a Plaguebearers unit is destroyed set up another one with 10 models wholly within your territory, wholly within 6” of the table edge, and more than 9” from enemy models. If Sloppity Bilepiper is your general he must take a command trait that gives an additional 1 to Bravery of Nurgle Daemons within 14” of him in addition to his Disease of Mirth ability.

Costing 120 Points this is an interesting battalion in that you are going to get a free unit of Plaguebearers but the command ability kind of stinks because Daemons all have bravery 10 already. I would potentially take this battalion to get the free unit, artifact, and the lower drop rate. Running it with the two characters, then a full unit of Plaguebearers (who the characters support) and a unit of 10 that would be my cannon fodder unit that is going to die turn one. I would certainly not make the Sloppity Bilepiper my general as that command ability is not very strong.


Cities of Sigmar:

Armies-on-Parade-AoS-cities-of-sigmar-titleCity of Learning (Settler’s Gain): 1 extra hero gains a free artefact of power and adds 1 to casting rolls for your heroes. 1 in every 4 units can be a Lumineth Realm Lords unit in addition to the 1 in every 4 units can be a Stormcast Eternal. Command Trait: Aelven Training, use at the start of battleshock phase and pick 1 unit of Lumineth Realm Lords Hero and do not take battleshock tests for free guild or collegiate units wholly within 18” of that hero. Unique traits, spells, and artifacts.

Xintil War-magiXintil War-magi: Consists of 1 Battlemage, 1 Luminark of Hysh, and 1 Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage.

Costing 140 points it allows you to re-roll the roll that determines if a unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, and its aura of protection ability allows you to add 1 to that roll to see if a wound or mortal wound is negated.

This is a decent improvement on the Luminark of Hysh but I am not sure it is worth the 140 points it costs to improve a single model. The bonus artefact would be good, but still, 140 points are pretty costly for what it does.

Flesheater Courts:

flesheater courts 2Mortevell’s Helcourt: Consists of 1 Abhorrant Archregent, 1 unit of Crypt Horrors, 1 unit of Crypt Ghouls

Costing 100 points, it makes your units in this battalion immune to battleshock tests while wholly within 12” of the Archregent. If the Archregent is your general he must take this command trait: To Bright Emperor which once per battle he can use the Ravenous Crusaders command ability without using a command point.

I like this battalion a lot for the points, making your low bravery units immune to battleshock without spending CP is nice. Also being able to use Ravenous Crusaders for free once per battle will help you use the CP in other areas early in the game. It does force you to be Hollowmourne but for the points, if I wanted to play as them I would certainly give this a go.

Ossiarach Bonereapers:

bonereapers ossiarch wal horHorrek’s Dreadlance: Consists of 1 Liege-Kavalos, 2 units of Kvalos Deathriders

Costing 120 points you have to give your Liege-Kavalos the Nadir bound Mount artifact of power meaning he must be the first Liege, and if he is your general he must be given the Twisted Challenge command trait. Each time you pick a unit from this battalion when you use the rally back ability, roll a dice, on a 4+ you receive 1 relentless discipline point.

An interesting battalion but it does kind of pigeonhole your Liege-Kavalos, though the abilities are not bad. There are just better ones out there and better ways to build discipline points. I would not take this battalion unless you want to for flavor.

There you have it, my take on the warscroll updates the book brings. Next week I will build armies around these updated warscrolls and battalions.

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