New Batman Miniature Game Objective Cards Set

Batman Cards feature rThe new Batman Miniature Game objective cards set will make playing your games so much easier and more fun!

Whether you’re looking for heroes, villains, or games Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of Batman miniatures is getting insane, but you need more than just minis to play the game. This release is focused on game accessories and people seem pretty excited to make their games run smoother. Nothing wrong with making your games easier to play.

The set comes with a ton of cards and looks to cover basically every objective in the game. If you haven’t played the game yet, you should check out the most recent starter set they just came out with. The game is super fun and totally worth checking out! But enough talking, let’s get into the cards.

Batman Miniature Game Objective Cards Set: $23.61

Batman CardsThis is already out in the store, so you can hop over there and grab it now. It has the objectives for all of your favorite crews, so you won’t hopefully have to buy one for each crew. This has been pretty long-anticipated and now that it’s here, players are pretty stocked. Just one of the great things they have come out with for the batman game recently.

So if you love what Knight Models are up to, check out what else they have going on here.

That does it for this one, just a really cool game accessory that will really make your games that much better all in one place!

Get Your Batman Miniature Game Objective Cards Set Here!