Beast Snaggas Orks Zodgrod Wortsnagga New Rules

Beast-Snaggas-Orks-PreviewsThe Zodgrod Wortsnagga rules are perfect for all you grot lovers out there, get ready to Runtherd with the best to ever do it!

Warhammer Community released a bunch of rules for the new character coming along with the Beast Snaggas release. Look, what’s wrong with giving a Grot a chance? According to most Orks, literally, everything is wrong with it. But at least there’s one who cares. He even tells them when they do something right, what a nice guy.

Not only did they preview the rules for buff Gretchin, but also a look at what he can do in combat. This guy was first shown during the Warhammer Fest coverage and got people pretty excited, now let’s see if his rules will make anyone play him!

Beast Snaggas Orks Zodgrod Wortsnagga Rules Preview!

Beast SnaggasZodgrod Wortsnagga has always had some funny ideas, but by far his most outlandish is that the humble, downtrodden grot could be trained and enhanced into a productive member of Ork society. It’s definitely a strange theory, one for which he is mercilessly derided by his fellow greenskins, but perhaps strangest of all is that he’s right.

Super runts rulesThrough a combination of shiny objects, enticing fungal treats, and a few vials of the Painboys’ ‘special brew’, Zodgrod succeeded in creating a new breed of ‘super runt’, possessed of greater strength, intelligence, and frankly alarming levels of problem-solving ability.

Adding one to all attack rolls is pretty cool, but being able to perform actions and still shoot is really a great rule! Just sit your super runts where you need them, have them do actions all game, and bam! You’ve won the game… Not really, but still, it’s fun!

zodgrod rulesThe Squigstoppa can hopefully let you kill the monster you are fighting before it gets to strike back. Da Grabzappa is a decent weapon with +2 S, -3 AP, and D2. He will be able to dish out some serious punishment on his own.

The Old Mini

Zodgrod old miniThe teef gained from selling out his surprisingly effective services also helped him pick up a custom-built grabba stikk, affectionately named Grabzappa, which is just the thing for smacking a wild-eyed grot back into line when they start having a few too many bright ideas. 

The new mini stays true to the original style, but is obviously an upgrade in terms of looks! They also mention that he is not the only special character the Beast Snaggas will be getting. So if you don’t like his rules too much, don’t worry, you’ll have other choices!

What do you think about the new rules? Will you be running him in your army? 

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