Bladegheist Revenants Are Super Spooky & Angry: Lore

nighthaunt wal horBladegheist Revenants lore is all about endless torture. They died horribly in life, and their afterlife hasn’t been much better…

These poor souls are frightening on so many levels. On the battlefield, they spin around like little tornadoes of deathly destruction, but you can’t really blame them. They’ve had horrible lives followed up by never-ending anguish from the grave. Get out your best long black robe and let’s learn about them…

Bladegheist Revenants In the Mortal Realms

Bladegheist RevenantsFollowing Nagash’s failed ritual at his newly constructed Black Pyramid, a giant wave of energy swept across the Mortal Realms. The Necroquake. This horrific event caused the energies of Death to be corrupted in all the Realms. The dead rose again in horrific forms from ghostly spectres to screeching banshees. In an instant all factions found themselves battling this new evil on their own home turf. They try their best to stop these undead hordes from destroying the Mortal Realms. One of the most bizarre of these new deadly terrors is the Bladegheist Revenants.

Each Bladegheist Revenant is the soul and energy of someone who died a terrible death made manifest. Impaled by dozens of spikes, burned, drowned without any chance of escape, buried alive or trapped alone. Their last moments alive were marked by panic, desperation and a last frenzied bid to break free. Thus their deaths were not a peaceful affair at all. This desperate energy is given form by the Necroquake as Bladegheist Revenants. Sword-wielding spectres that act as erratic as their last living thoughts.

In battle, the panic made them come to the foreground in the form of wildly slashing swords. Armed with rusted Tomb Greatblades, they rush into their foes with reckless abandon. In combat, they thrash and whirl about in deadly spectacles of aetheric rage. Perceiving their foe as their captors and killers in life through their twisted eyes. This hate combined with frantic panic makes them throw themselves at their enemies, slashing and launching themselves in every direction.


Legion of grief army nighthaunts age of sigmar warhammerOn the battlefields of the Mortal Realms, the Bladegheist Revenants fill-up the sword-infantry needs of any Nighthaunt army. They can go to battle in units of either 5,10,15 or 20 depending on how big you want your horde of erratic sword flailing ghosts to be. They’re not the best screening troops due to their cost. 90pts per 5 models in comparison to 80pts for 10 models of Chainrasps. Their high movement of 8″ is good to keep in mind. Along with their abilities and good weapons, this makes them a fine unit to harass your foe with. But this does make them a prime target to take out quickly.

Each Bladegheist Revenant is armed with a Tomb Greatblade, a large and powerful sword for any foe. It has two attacks and a -1 Rend attached to it. Furthermore, it only takes a 3+ to both Hit and Wound rolls. Making them able to cut through waves of light infantry and even tackle more armoured opponents. Make them even more deadly by using their Whirling Dash ability. Allowing the Bladegheist Revenants to retreat and charge in the same turn while also giving them an extra attack whenever they charge an enemy.

It is worth noting that the Bladegheist Revenants can fly like the rest of a Nighthaunt army. Battlelines quickly fade away into frenzied chaos when used with precision. They also possess the Ethereal ability, nullifying any save roll modifiers for them. However one of the most interesting things about the Bladegheist Revenants is their synergy with other units. If they are wholly within 12″ of either a unit of Chainrasps or Spirit Torments, they re-roll any failed Hit rolls. This synergy makes them even more deadly than before.

These tormented and frantic spectres will strike fear into the hearts of your foes with their erratic swordplay.

Learn More About Bladegheist Revenants Here!