BLOOD ANGELS – Rumor Round-Up

By Rob Baer | November 30th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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If you missed the tidal wave of Blood Angels rumors over the weekend, check out everything that’s breaking on the Sons of Sanguinius.

Collected from Faeit and BoLS

First off the new lineup for December 13th

Codex: Blood Angels hardback 112 pages $49.50
Blood Angels Tactical Squad 10 miniatures $43
Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest 1 miniature $30
Datacards: Blood Angels 7 psychic powers 36 tactical objectives $10
Sons of Sanguinius: A Blood Angels Painting Guide paperback 176pgs $33
Blood Angels Dice available while stocks last 10 dice in tin $17
Mephiston Red Spray basecoat $18
Codex: Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition slipcase with prints and accessories online only $165

Smaug 1 miniature online only $490
Bard the Bowman with Windlance 1 miniature $40
Lake-Town Militia Captain 1 miniature $20
Lake-Town Militia Swordsmen 3 miniatures $25
Lake-town Militia Bowmen 3 miniatures $25
Lake-Town Militia Spearmen 3 miniatures $25

Horus Heresy: Legacies of Betrayal hardback 448pgs $30
Horus Heresy; Garro- Shield of Lies audio drama $29.95
Heart of Rage audio drama $15


Then we have stuff about new characters and rules. But remember there is already a for sure a clampack sanguinary guard mini coming for sure (above)


Forgot to add that there’s a new sculpt for a special character coming in plastic as well. From the description I received it sounds like Dante 

Captain Karlean WS6 just over 150pts
Terminator Armour with Iron Halo, storm bolter, and Relic of Baal: melee, concussive, master crafted, specialist weapon and unwieldy.

Strategic Genius: +1 seize the initiative, and can re-roll any reserve roll

Children of Cryptus is 8 genestealers and the Spawn of Cryptus for a little over 200pts
Spawn of Cryptus is t5 with 3 wounds and has preferred enemy and has rending claws. He also comes with infiltrate, fleet, move through cover, and stealth just like the genestealers. Spawn of Cryptus is also a lvl 1 psyker who knows The Horror and Dominion powers.

Here is some information on the primaris power for you. Its called Quickening. Its a blessing that effects either the psyker or another character within 12″. The target gains fleet, d3 initiative and attacks. Roll once and apply both the result to both initiative and attacks.

Warp Charge 1


blood talons are Sx2 AP2 with melee, shred, and specialist weapon
magna grapples give you move through cover, and you can re-roll failed charges when assaulting a vehicle.