The new Stormcast miniatures are starting to hit the market, so today we’re going to be taking a look at some of their rules.
The Warhammer Age of Sigmar App has posted some of the new Warscrolls for the upcoming miniatures.
Gryph-Hounds may seem like a weak unit at first, but when you take a closer look at their abilities it might change the way you think. If an enemy unit is within 3″ of Lord Castellant you get to make 4 attacks with the Beak and Claws attack instead of 2. After attacking you can roll a D6 and move up to that many inches. Lastly, if an enemy unit is withing 10″ of the Gryph-Hound you roll 2 D6 and any unit within that many inches is alerted of the enemy presence, they can then attack with one of it’s weapons as if it were the shooting phase.
A unit of Judicators has 5 or more models, and 1 in 5 can be equipped with either a Thunderbolt Crossbow or Boltstorm Crossbow. You may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 when a Judicator attacks a Chaos unit in the shooting phase.The Skybolt Bow and Shockbolt Bow both do damage on a 3+ to hit and wound with a -1 rend. But for every successful hit of the Shockbolt Bow you roll a D6 and make that many wound rolls equal to the number rolled. The Boltstorm Crossbow has 2 attacks, 3+ to hit, and a 4+ to wound. But it also gets the Rapid Fire ability if the unit does not move in the movement phase, allowing you to add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of the Boltstorm Crossbow in the shooting phase of that turn. The Thunderbolt Crossbow has a very unit ability, but no attacks. If you attack using the Thunderbolt Crossbow pick an enemy unit within 18″, roll a dice, subtracting 1 from the roll if the target is a monster. If the result is equal to or less than the number of models in the unit, the unit in turn suffers D3 mortal Wounds.
Prosecutors With Stormcall Javelins
The Prosecutors are a very unique unit. Their Javelins and Tridents both have a missile weapon attack and a melee attack. The Stormcall Javelin also has a nice ability where if the target is over 9″ away the attack does 2 damage rather than 1. Heralds of Righteousness allows you to charge from 18″ away, instead of the normal 12″, and roll 3 dice when determining your charge distance instead of 2. On top of all the impressive attacks, if any model in the unit carries a shield you can re-roll all save rolls of 1 for the entire unit.
Varanguard-Hunters have a great ability that allows them to run and shoot in the same turn. Great for those times when you need to get in or out of battle in a hurry, and still getting a shot off. The Boltstorm Pistol has a 9″ range, 2 attacks, with a 3+ to hit, and a 4+ to wound, doing 1 damage. But once you’re in melee range you get to attack with either a Shock Handaxe or Storm Sabre. The ability that makes these guys an asset is the Astral Compass. 1 in every 5 models can carry an Astral Compass. What this does is allow you to place it to one side and say that the unit is set up in pursuit. In any movement phase you can summon the Varanguard-Hunters to strike at the enemies flanks. To do so, set the entire unit up within 6″ of any edge, no closer than 7″ from the enemy, this is considered their move for the movement phase.
These new units are really going to give the Stormcast a better chance at fighting off the forces of Chaos. But will it be enough? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
More on the Stormcasts
I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”