Corvus Belli Warcrow Adventures Kickstarter is Live!

Warcrow FeatureThe new Corvus Belli Warcrow Adventures Kickstarter is a fantasy dungeon crawler game based around companion app play!

Corvus Belli has some great games in their line-up already, but it’s great to see them adding more to their offerings! This is obviously a little different from some of their other stuff, but it seems like it will be really fun, and the idea of having a companion app that actually helps you play through the game is really cool.

The project is live now and has already been funded, which means no worries if you’ll get it or not. Now, it’s just all cream on the top with plenty of extras from the stretch goals!

At the time of writing this, there are about ten days left, so don’t sit around and miss out on the project!

Corvus Belli Warcrow Adventures Kickstarter is Live!

Warcrow Adventures


Warcrow Adventures 2The co-op dungeon crawlers have been gaining popularity lately, and it’s always cool to see some innovation come out with new games, and this seems to have it with the app and everything else going on!

Plus, it doesn’t seem to take too long to play, so if you don’t feel like taking up a whole day for a game, this might be perfect.

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Warcrow Adventures 6

The heroes are also super cool, and if they are anything like their normal minis, we expect them to be extremely detailed.

Warcrow Adventures 8The villains are just as fun as the heroes and will make for some really fun games.

Pledge Levels

Warcrow Adventures 4There are two main pledge levels, but both will get you a ton of stretch goals! Also, for 120, the price is pretty nice for how much product you’ll get.

Stretch Goals

Warcrow Adventures 5

As we said, the project is funded, so from here on out, you’ll just get more stuff!

Click Here to Support the Kickstarter!