Deathrattle Skeletons are an Unstoppable Legion

soulblight-gravelords-vampires-title2When the Deathrattle Skeletons rise from the graves of the ancient world, things have gone seriously wrong for the living!

When you raise an army of the dead, you need plenty of skeletons to help your cause. These once dead warriors make up a large portion of the armies, so get out your best necromancy book and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Deathrattle SkeletonsThe Mortal Realms are dotted with dozens, if not hundreds of long-dead and ruined kingdoms and nations. Torn apart by war, famine, death or whatever else may cause the downfall of a people. Most of these are however found in Shyish. Ruined castles, overgrown crypts and half-collapsed barrows are all to be found there along with the skeletal remains of their inhabitants. This doesn’t mean these places are dead, on the contrary. These now Deathrattle Kingdoms are still somewhat alive, a skeletal Wight King ruling over his undead subjects and commanding legions of Deathrattle Skeletons to battle. These regimented hordes of ancient armour and bone are enough to make any mortal tremble in fear or die to their rusted weapons.

Deathrattle Skeletons are nothing more than the undead legions of their Wight King. They are often seen wearing ancient armour and robes whilst wielding rusted weapons and tattered banners. It can be assumed that the bulk of the Deathrattle Skeletons were the mortal soldiers of whatever nation existed before the Wight King took command. The Wight Kings are often prideful and intelligent beings, often engaging in beneficial alliances with Soulblight Gravelords. Thus these vampiric lords can often be seen commanding Deathrattle Skeletons as well.

When the Deathrattle Skeletons march to war, they do so unlike any other force of Death. While the hordes of the Flesh-eater Courts are rushing about like a mindless rabble. Deathrattle Skeletons march in perfect coherency. Tight and disciplined ranks of ancient armour and spears fight as an undead wall against their foes. This is of course because the Deathrattle Skeletons are nothing more but mindless automatons. Morale is no issue, new recruits can just be pulled from the ground and death is never the end. So long as their Wight King still commands them, Deathrattle Skeletons will never stop coming for their enemies.

On the Field

Soulblight walOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Deathrattle Skeletons are a battleline option for Soulblight Gravelords armies. They’re a cheap yet solid screening unit to keep the foe busy while your monsters and heroes bring in the hurt. They clock in at 85 points for 10 models and are able to be expanded to 30 models. Their high bravery of 10 makes them tough to get through for your opponent, they will need to burn through every skeleton. They are also summonable for Soulblight Gravelords, the more skeletons the better.

Deathrattle Skeletons are extremely basic when it comes to their weapons and gear. They’re all armed with Ancient Blades or Spears. These rusted, old yet powerful weapons are capable enough to pierce through any armour with enough tries. Their 3+ to hit makes sure a big horde of skeletons is able to fell even the toughest of foes with a thousand cuts. Their leader is a mighty hero who replaces their Ancient Blade or Spear with a Champion’s Mace or Halberd, giving them an extra attack and a better wound roll.

One in every 10 models can become a Standard Bearer, carrying an ancient and tattered battle flag to the fray. This standard allows you to reroll 1’s of the roll for your Deathless Minions battle trait for the unit. Furthermore, the Deathrattle Skeletons are a Skeleton Legion. This ability allows you to roll a dice for every slain skeleton during their fight phase, on a 4+ it is reanimated and re-joins their comrades in their eternal war.

These Deathrattle Skeletons are the perfect bone sea to drown your enemies in.

Learn More About Deathrattle Skeletons Here!