Games Workshop Says No More FAQs?

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What happens when Games Workshop is finished with a rulebook or codex? Is there no more FAQ’s for it? Checkout the new Errata page on GW’s site.

We got an email this morning from a concerned hobbyists who directed us to GW’s new downloads page because they were concerned that it no longer indicated anything about FAQ’s on the site anymore.

That can’t be right I thought, so I took a look myself..

In a shocking departure from the norm, it looks like there is no mention on Games Workshop’s FAQ page about, well, anything being an “FAQ”. In fact, now this page is home to Rules Erratas from all the headers to even the URL itself:

Rules Errata

On this page you’ll find all current updates to the print editions of Games Workshop’s range of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40,000 and The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies games.

These documents bring the print editions up to date with any recent rules or amends to their digital edition. Where a book does not have a Rules Errata document, none have yet been issued.

Nothing about FAQ’s on here anywhere. In fact the only mention of FAQ actually on GW’s site is the draft FAQ sections they have going on their Facebook page(s), and this image they posted this morning directing hobbyists to their errata page for the official FAQ’s for Age of Sigmar:

Games Workshop just dropped the final FAQ on Age of Sigmar, as they continue to build a great foundation for the new versions of the game this summer.

Which leads to here:

age of sigmar faq errata

But there are no FAQ’s, only Erratas?

Now before we all go mashing the keyboard in protest, what’s the real story here?

  • We know there are still first draft FAQ’s happening for 40k at least though the August (judging by the amount of Factions left).
  • We know they took the first draft FAQ’s for AoS and turned them into “Official Errata”.
  • We know there are no more “official FAQ’s” on their site.

Can we make the following conclusions?

  • The first draft FAQ’s for 40k will be turned into official Errata at some point for download (just like they did for AoS on June 29th)?
  • These errata’s are considered 100% part of the game and completely valid for play. They’re not suggested rules such as the FAQ moniker may imply?

Interesting catch by a concerned hobbyist, that may perhaps indicate there is more going on behind the scenes in the Nottingham studio these days that we’ve imagined…

What say ye, are FAQ’s A-Ok with you?