GW Bogarts Hardcover Thanquol Books?

By Rob Baer | January 5th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Skaven walpaper

In what looks to be a bizarre turn of events regarding the release of Hard Cover versus Soft Cover supplements, Games Workshop may keep the upcoming Thanquol Hard Cover version for themselves.

Coming on the heels of doing something that actually seemed to make their customers happy (by re-releasing previous content like the Shield of Baal books and End Times supplements in Soft Cover format), according to one retailer Games Workshop will make Hard Cover version of the End Times Thanquol book a web exclusive.



Via Showcase Comics’ Facebook

So, just got off the phone with GW. Very upset. They are keeping the hardcover Endtimes books for themselves, we only get softcovers. If you would like a hardcover, they go on sale friday between noon and two, and i’d suggest getting in early.
Neither Showcase store will have them, only the GW website. If you would like the softcover, please let me know.

It seems like the most disappointing part of all this may be artificial mad dash GW has now created for customers to try to get one of these books from their website in the middle of the day US or evening time Europe.

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I guess the age old adage of one step forward two steps back applies here once again? -MBG