GW Confirms New Free 40k Models & Collector Coin In FEB

free-from-gwThey’re back! More free 40k models and another collector coin for February are finally coming next week along with some previews on WHC!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the news of things coming our way next week!  Let’s check out what all is going on at GW HQ.

GW Confirms New Free 40k Models & Collector Coin In FEB

Here’s a quick look back at the two previous coins, and of course that first tease of the Hedonites one as well.

NEw Collectable coinThis was the Death Guard coin, which was shown back in November. You must spend over $100 to add any of the coins to your collection. It kind of sucked for DG players, because you couldn’t spend any of that hundred on new minis since they weren’t out yet!

Hedonites of Slaanesh coinYou couldn’t see too much of the actual Hedonites coin, back in November, but it was obvious to tell what it was. So, even though we saw an Ork coin in the wild, it makes sense for this to be the next coin coming out.

Plus it looks like this will come out with the minis and you won’t have to spend $100 on other stuff to get it!

It would make sense that Hedonites were going to be the big January release, but with things slowing down it’s all been pushed back a little. We could also infer from this that they will be doing one AoS month followed by one 40k month. We have seen (in order of appearance) Daughters of Khaine, then Death Guard, now we know Hedonites, and then… perhaps Dark Eldar?

What’s Coming Next

coin colleciton bookWith this, you’ll be halfway to getting your special coin holder as well. Again, it makes sense that the coin after this will be for 40k, but what will it be? It could very well be a Dark Eldar coin, but since the Hedonites were also originally supposed to come out in January, and the coin could very well have been the Hedonites, neither of those two 40k releases may actually see a coin or free mini.

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GW Confirms New Free Models & Collector Coin In February

february free models and coinWhile there aren’t any new releases this week, we did get a look at the next free models and collectible coin coming for February! Looks like you’ll have your pick at a Daemonette and/ or a primaris Reaver.

The newest Collectible coin (for spending $100 or more) is an AoS one featuring the Hedonites of Slannesh- no doubt to coincide with their battletome release coming soon.

All the Previews So Far For The Hedonites of Slaanesh

With these freebies will you grab them? Are you excited about the Slaanesh releases coming in February? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!