GW Hiring an Army of Retail Associates & Managers Now

Games-Workshop-hiring-to-wants-youIf you’ve always wanted to work in a GW store, your time could be coming! As GW is hiring an army of retail associates and tons of managers.

The best thing about this job opening? They say it has no end date and are constantly adding on new retail associates. Seriously though, if you’ve always wanted to work at GW, and have the skills, this could be the opportunity for you! Whether you want to be a part of the team or to run your own store, this could be fun. Just to note, it looks like they are ramping up for when things reopen from COVID as this is a future vacancy position, so we’re not sure when you would actually start, or if they would just be keeping your name for when an opening does show up.

But let’s be honest, one of the best perks of this job is up to 50% off on all your GW stuff! We’ll be linking one of the openings below, but if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can find all the locations hiring.

GW Hiring an Army of Retail Associates

GW store instideLet’s check out the listing and see what it’s all about. Just to reiterate, this looks to be ongoing hiring, but it is probably just better to get in the mix early. There are a ton of places that are hiring, many of which seem to be in the UK, and Germany currently, but there is most likely some area you can apply for as well. 

Retail Sales Assistant:

warhammer logo wal hor storeDo you want to be part of a small dedicated team that is responsible for growing sales in a Games Workshop or Warhammer retail store? Are you excited by engaging constantly with customers, understanding what’s important to them, and responding appropriately?

Reporting to the Store Manager you will be mostly working with one or two other staff and sometimes on your own. You will also need to get tasks done and support the Store Manager to ensure the smooth running of the store.

We know that what makes this job hard is providing a consistently exceptional standard of service to every customer no matter what.

Pretty much what you’d expect if you’ve ever been in a GW store, just remember to scroll down to the bottom of the linked page to see all the openings. Let’s take a look at what they are looking for in managers.

Retail Store Manager:

Retail store manager GWDo you want to be responsible for growing sales by running your own Games Workshop retail store? Are you excited by working alone, engaging with all your customers, understanding what’s important to them, and responding appropriately?

You will be responsible for and expected to make all the decisions to drive sales in your store all of the time. We will provide you with broad guidelines and access to a variety of support to allow you to do this effectively.

We know that the real challenge to growing sales is to provide a consistently exceptional standard of service to every customer no matter what. For those of you that meet this challenge, you will be financially rewarded with a competitive salary.

If you’ve always wanted to run a GW store, this could be your time to shine!

Working at GW

Looks like a fun opportunity for someone to help make the game we love that much better!

Will you be applying for this? Do you think working at a store would be fun?

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