New AoS, 40k Kill Team, & Necromunda Releases Revealed

lvo-preview games workshopMore new miniatures for Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, and Necromunda were revealed at LVO- check out the latest on all the new releases!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community along with our commentary!

Las Vegas Open Preview

LVO Games Workshop preview 2022 rules new models


LVO is one of the biggest independent Warhammer events in the world, and one of our favourite places to unveil new stuff. If you can’t make it to Vegas, don’t worry – the Warhammer Preview Online will be here to introduce the latest and greatest from Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, and more.

GW preview LVO 2


The next two factions to duke it out in the Age of Sigmar are Nighthaunt and the Daughters of Khaine!

The newest character set to release for Nighthaunt is the Scriptor Mortis! Described by the preview as “not a fighter”, the Scriptor is said to specialize in picking out specific heroes from a distance and “cursing them” throughout the battle.

Nighthaunt are receiving two new units in this upcoming release! Not only are they getting a new character, but a unit capable of shooting as well, the Craventhrone Guard!

This new unit is one of the few in the Death faction of Age of Sigmar with any substantial shooting, so their addition is very welcome.

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The aesthetic of these new minis tie into the Nighthaunt character Kurdoss Valentian, The Craven King; you can see the iconography on their banner is very similar to his own, as well as having a connection with his name.

Finally, the Daughters of Khaine receive new character, and she has been described as particularly deadly: the High Gladiatrix. The preview emphasized her gladiator aesthetic, and we have to agree. The character appears to come with multiple weapons and head options, so variety will be possible for those wishing for it!


The Warhammer+ is moving ahead with their newest project over the horizon, a longer form show titled Interrogator. The Preview Team described the show as heavier, featuring many mature themes and a possible connection to the horror genre recently explored with their series of novels, Warhammer Horror.

The only other plot-based detail revealed by the Preview Team is that the protagonist of this series is not a full-fledged Inquisitor, known throughout Warhammer 40k lore is a powerful agent of the Imperium. This character is an Inquisitor-in-training, hence the title “Interrogator”.

If Warhammer plus has value to you then by all means subscribe, but until they actually have functioning features, and stop taking back and changing the narrative about the service we won’t be.

So if you’re still on the fence about Warhammer Plus, this lifehack should help you decide 100% if the new service is for you or not! It’s how we may get the most out of Warhammer Plus, and honestly not a bad idea to get the model for your $6 or so a month.

Here are more articles on the issues that Games Workshop is facing now as their stock has dipped and investors have taken notice:


The newest addition to the Warhammer 40k: Kill Team line is a classic faction of miniatures, the Corsairs.

We only have images of a single model so far, but what we can see is fantastic. The Corsair featured here is absolutely dripping in both Drukhari and Eldar flavor, and we highly anticipate his crew’s entry to the Kill Team scene.

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We had heard the rumors of new corsair models for Eldar coming in a Kill Team box, and this looks to be it.


  • War walkers still in codex – datasheet later
  • Wraithlords Elites
  • At least three brand new units will be released in 2023, not aspects (corsairs, and quin unit hint)
  • Warlock Skyrunners don’t gain additional powers from more models in the unit

The rumor also went on to say the reveal was imminent, so perhaps we’ll see them as a separate kit (outside of a Kill Team expansion) for purchase in 2023?


The final entry in the LVO preview is Necromunda, and it explores the inhospitable region of the Ash Wastes. Nothing in the way of miniatures were revealed, but the video associated with this release is done in a comic book style, and according to the Preview Team, may have some hints about possible miniatures to come.

So great are the distances between hives that even the most athletic gang won’t get far on foot, so what vehicles can be scraped together will serve your gangers well in the trials to come

Get ready to leave the hive behind… soon!

If you missed the lastest few previews from GW in 2021, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Click Here For the Early 2022 GW New Releases Roadmap

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