Games Workshop Stock Prices Fall Amid Turbulent Times

By Rob Baer | April 6th, 2021 | Categories: Editorials, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space-marine-stock-gw-financeWith all the issues from COVID and the lack of products, stock prices for Games Workshop have been falling for the last three months…

This isn’t too much of a surprise, as GW has had to slow down releases and allocate products out to stores. There seems to have been a general mood change from hobbyists towards their incessant paywalling of content, and lack of stock across the board.

kill team boxAs more and more game stores fail, and without many tournaments or big events to keep people interested, it was only a matter of time before the excitement over GW product waned. Not to mention the fact that it’s been almost impossible to get new releases. Piety and Pain, Pariah Nexus, and Cursed City sold out in no time (along with the entire Drukhari line…), stores are only getting a few boxes of anything, and even if you wanted it, you usually have to contend with scalpers.

Drukhari Hot AF and sold out 2

With that said, GW did profit an insane amount last year, but since then things haven’t gone quite as well. With the stock down 12% in the last three months, GW may need to change some things up.

People seem to have been upset by some of the over-the-top business practices and prices, as if late, so maybe the community is making their voice heard by voting with their hobby dollars.

Games Workshop Stock Prices Fall Amid Turbulent Times

gw stock 2021

While they closed out a little ahead last week. However, overall from the high at the start of the year (when they announced record profits), they are down about 12%.

gw stock 5 year

Obviously, if you look at the 52-week range, they are doing quite well. But their stock is directly following the trends we’ve seen when it comes to interest in the hobby, which is down overall.

But like we said too, the dip could also be to people voting with their hobby dollars and the fact that they’re tired of how things are working.

Either way, things have changed for GW, and the hobby as a whole. Only time will tell if this becomes the “new normal” and Games Workshop is forced to change how they produce, market, and distribute their products.

Do you think this had anything to do with people voting with hobby dollars? Do you think they will change anything?

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