GW Teases More On Necron Flayed Ones & Chronomancer

By Travis Pasch | January 21st, 2021 | Categories: Necrons, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

necrons-gamews-workshop-new-releasesWe saw pics of the new Necron Flayed Ones about three months ago, now it looks like we’ll be getting the official reveal!

Warhammer Community’s Twitter had a pic of some silhouetted Necron minis, but it turns out we may have already seen these teasers back in 2020!

GW Teases More On Necron Flayed Ones & Chronomancer

Flayed ones previewThis is the teaser they put out to get us even more hyped for the Saturday preview. This surely looks like a Chronomancer and a Flayed One to us. Here are the pics we’ve already seen of the new Flayed Ones.

new plastic flayed onesThe Flayed Ones were originally in a Kill Team trailer, so they may be released first as a Kill Team (or Kill Zone)and then move their way into a full 40k release. This is nothing new though, as GW has released a few minis before into Kill Team first.

If you ask us, these look way better than the ones out now, and they’ll finally be in plastic! So that will save you all kinds of headaches.

There is also a mini that looks an awful lot like the new Chronomancer in the preview too…

More Crypteks!

Since they’ve already shown the anniversary mini, the Chronomancer is really the only option left that the other mini could be. Not to mention we’ve also seen some pics of the Chronomancer before.

necron chronomancer

This looks pretty similar to the pic above. Plus these are really the only minis they’ve previewed that isn’t out and they look almost identical. So we’d basically say this one is a lock as these are basically the last two Necron minis we know about.

Kill Team as a vehicle to release 40k models?

In the past, we’ve seen GW use Kill Team boxes as a way to release new models. Such as this guy:

kelermorph modelIf you remember this release, you might recall the stir it made. It was only available in the GSC Kill Team box, but this model, the Kelermorph, was an all-star in 40k. In turn, it made a ton of demand for the Kill Team box, even if many people didn’t want to play Kill Team and just wanted the model.

flayed oneNew Flayed One Model from previous teasers

Could we see that with Necrons? Well knowing how GW likes to rebox their releases, probably. Fortunately for you Cron players, these are the last two Necron releases that we know of. One variant of Crypteks and the new Flayed Ones kit. Both of which could be conveniently packaged together in a Necron Kill Team box. If you want to see everything still on the way from GW, check out this article covering basically everything!

Are you excited for the final Necron minis to come out? Will you grab them even as a Kill Team Box?

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