GW Unveils New Line of Citadel Synthetic Miniature Brushes

New GW brushes stc synthetucThe new Citadel Synthetic Brushes look to be a cheaper alternative to their existing line, let’s hope the price tag matches the material.

Warhammer Community revealed the preview of the new line of STC brushes and it looks like they are coming out fairly soon. It also seems the Artificer Line will stick around at a higher price with these fulfilling what we assume to be a “cheaper” role.

IMHO it really only seems logical to go this route with a new line because of the cheaper cost, but will that be transferred to the hobbyist? We’ll just have to wait and see on that. 

Brushes Feature r

Because of the material, they will be great for things like drybrushing, where the bristles will bounce back easier. Let’s check out more about the brushes.

GW Unveils New Citadel Synthetic Brushes

synthetic Brushes 2The first thing you’ve no doubt noticed is the distinct, all-white colour scheme to set them apart from our regular brush range – you’ll never mistake which one you’re reaching for in your Citadel Paint Box. These brushes are more than just a sleek colour scheme, though.

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By using carefully designed, totally synthetic bristles, the Citadel Colour STC Range offers a different painting experience to the regular range of Citadel brushes. The synthetic fibres have a noticeable springiness with balanced stiffness and distinct snapback, making them excellent candidates for drybrushing and highlighting raised edges.

They do look pretty slick, but we’ll have to use some before we pass judgment on them. Just because a brush looks cool doesn’t mean it actually works well!

Again, hopefully with a cheaper material being used, these will be a little more affordable. Especially if you just need some dry brushes, these could be a pretty good way to get into your collection.

synthetic BrushesThe brushes with rounded tips have been designed to keep their profile for longer even when used frequently, and the straight-edged brushes are specially made to help prevent curling at the end of the bristles, keeping your painting accurate and sharp.

If you keep good care of your brushes they should stay in decent shape. If you need some help on how to keep your brushes looking good, check out this tutorial. But, if these are made to keep their form without much upkeep, we’re always on board for that! We’ll definitely be giving these a try, just hoping the price tag is right.

Do you like the idea of synthetic brushes? Will you be picking some of them up?

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