Hidden In Plain Sight: Next Free GW Miniature & Coin!

free-from-gwIt looks like the next free GW miniature and Collectible coin promotion was hidden in plain sight from back in November!

While all the new Hedonites of Slaanesh minis were being previewed, this was hidden in plain sight! When the GW promotion for the coins and free minis were announced, apparently they posted a picture of the first three coins on the store locater page, (and promptly took it down) and the Hedonites were one of them.

We didn’t see the image when we checked the GW Store locator back in November, but plenty of internet forums recorded its appearance when we searched the image itself.

Hidden In Plain Sight: Next Free GW Miniature & Coin!

NEw Collectable coinThis was the Death Guard coin, which was also shown in the picture from November. You must spend over $100 to add any of the coins to your collection. It kind of sucked for DG players, because you couldn’t spend any of that hundred on new minis since they weren’t out yet! Let’s hope that doesn’t happen with the Hedonites! Now that we all know how it works, let’s look at the revealed coin.

Hedonites of Slaanesh coinYou can’t see too much of the actual coin, but it’s obvious to tell what it is. So, even though we saw an Ork coin in the wild, it would make sense for this to be the next coin coming out. Hopefully, this comes out with the minis and you won’t have to spend $100 on other stuff to get it! The other good thing about this, it means they will probably be getting a free mini! So keep your eyes peeled for what it will be.

It would make sense that Hedonites were going to be the big January release, but with things slowing down it’s all been pushed back a little. We could also infer from this that they will be doing one AoS month followed by one 40k month. We have seen (in order of appearance) Daughters of Khaine, then Death Guard, now we know Hedonites, and then… perhaps Dark Angels?

What’s Coming Next

coin colleciton bookWith this, you’ll be halfway to getting your special coin holder as well. Again, it makes sense that the coin after this will be for 40k, but what will it be? It could very well be a Dark Angels or Dark Eldar coin, but since the Hedonites were also originally supposed to come out in January, and the coin could very well have been the Hedonites, neither of those two 40k releases may actually see a coin or free mini.

Have you been grabbing any of the coins? Which faction do you think will grab the next one?

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