HORUS HERESY & KNIGHTS – 7th Edition Rules Update & FAQ

horus walpaper

Time to go back, to the future? 30k just got an update to 7th Edition, and all Imperial Knights are 40k legal now!

Forge World dropped this seemingly comprehensive update yesterday, bringing games of 30k in line with 7th Edition 40k, and dropping the experimental status off all Knight variants as well!

With the release of Warhammer 40,000 7th edition, certain rules and models in the Horus Heresy army lists no longer work as previously intended.

The following is a compilation of
the more commonly asked questions we have received regarding these changes and also some clarifications to bring your Battles in the Age of Darkness games up to date with 7th

Get your hands on the latest over on Forge World!

So what Knight is Santa bringing for you this year? -MBG