Skaven Lurking in the Sewers: GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horNew city or sewer-dwelling Skaven models may be on the horizon in the latest GW rumor engine that looks like the start of something evil!

Games Workshop just unveiled another new rumor engine and this time it looks like it could be Skaven or maybe a Necromunda model!  Check out the details of the latest model that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS from Warhammer Community.

Lurking in the Sewers: GW Rumor Engine

11-9-21 rumor engineThis bit could be a lot of things, but we do see a hand, some large piping, and what looks like a street-side sewer grate. This could be a faction that really needs it, like Skaven, who needs a ton of model updates, or maybe something brand new in the way of Necromunda.

This could easily go either 40k or AoS and still be right on theme for the era as there isn’t anything that screams either one.

A great example of a kit that could use some love is these Gutter Runners. there are clear similarities in their boney hands, and if you’ve ever played the Verminitide series you know these guys have no problem leaping off walls or over pipes as we see might be happening in the bit.

Conveniently Vermintide also has plenty of maps that might match this fantasy city street base! Not to mention nearly all of the Skaven lineup could use some love…

However, as we said, this could still be a lot of things as there isn’t much of an actual mode to go off of, and this is mostly speculation from what we see on the base. Specialist games, AoS, and 40k are all still on the table for this one!

We’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

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