Latest New Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniatures & Previews

marvel-crisis-protocol-adepticon-reveals-preview-teasers-mcp-1Here’s the latest Marvel Crisis Protocol previews that show off insane new miniatures and what to expect in the future from Atomic Mass Games!

We’ve already seen a ton of new models for the game, but more are on the way! The schedule of upcoming models is pretty wild and even goes back to some classics as well.

While they go over a ton of stuff, they said this is just the start for every game system, so expect plenty more soon!

You can check out our coverage of all the new releases on the way from the AMG preview by clicking on any of the links below:

New Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews From GenCon 2023: (August 2nd)

These new Marvel Crisis Protocol previews come from AMG’s 2023 Gen Con preview.

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 9Let’s start with the new Core Set, which will include a wide variety of new characters, plenty of terrain, and accessories. They’ve already put this on pre-order, and it will retail for $149.99 and will be released on October 13th. You can pre-order yours here.

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 7The terrain is quite good-looking, and you get a decent amount of it in the box.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Gen Con Protocol Previews


Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews From Gen ConSome classics are here, like Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider-Man. From the looks of it, they will all get new cards as well.

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Gen Con Protocol Previews 2The villain side of things might be a little more interesting for players, as you get some entertaining characters! Now, let’s move on to the other new characters!

Rivals Panel

MCP previews 2While we saw this revealed before, it’s nice to see it painted up, and they mentioned it will be coming at the end of this year or early next year. So if you want to play out a super iconic battle, this is going to be perfect!

MCP previewsJust like with the other rivals panels, you’ll get a bunch of awesome tactics cards to go along with it.

New Models & Renders

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol PreviewsIf The X-Men are your thing, they are getting new models and plenty of new cards! They also gave us plenty of closeups of all the models.

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Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 5This is a great Professor X model, and the detail on these is pretty amazing.

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 12There are also a bunch of new Tactics Cards on the way for these X-Men expansions too!

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MCP previews 7While they didn’t give the actual rules yet, you can guess what they will be, based on the art and comics?

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 6Next up, they previewed some great-looking new packs of models, and these affiliation packs generally save you some cash. So if you want all the minis inside, they can be a decent pickup and save those hobby dollars for the previous core set contents!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Gen Con Protocol Previews 4While these are still renders, they are already looking amazing. Plus, getting a giant fist to smack people around is a great way to play Sandman!

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 11Spider-Man might have the most different miniatures in the game, and it looks like another one is on the way for Scarlet Spider and the Venom version of Gwen! But, considering Spidey has so many iterations, now you might as score them all.

New Cards

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 4Captain Marvel is one of the few characters with a different model for a new form, which always makes the characters more diverse and fun to throw down on the table.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Gen Con Protocol Previews 3Captain America gets a new card for the Mightiest Heroes box and an affiliation.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Gen Con Protocol Previews 5Baron Helmut is obviously a master swordsman, and everything on his card reflects that, with extra attack dice, rerolls, and plenty of movement!

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 2Just like with Captain America, Red Skull gets a new affiliation, and you can change around a ton of roll results.

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 3The Invincible Iron Man gets a S.H.I.E.L.D Affiliation, and you can spend power to reroll dice. Like most of his versions, you have some strong attacks, but Billion-Dollar Punch is one of the best-named abilities we’ve seen!

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 13The Sinister Six is one of the most infamous villain groups in the game, and who doesn’t want a new Doc Ock?

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 8Last but not least, Ultron is getting a rework, and even the grunts are getting some love.

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 15These are the Character cards from the new Core Set, and the artwork looks great.

That does it for all the new previews, so there is plenty to sink your teeth into! Be sure to check out the video below for all the reveals!


Marvel Crisis Protocols Previews From AdeptiCon 2023: (March 27th)

The previews were streamed here on the Professionalcasualnetwork, and they posted it to their YouTube, so we put that at the bottom of this post as well.

Marvel Crisis Protocol PreviewsWe already saw the minis but no cards yet, so if you were wondering what Gwenpool and Squirrel Girl can do, here you go!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 2Ultron already has a mini, but they wanted to go back and make a better character and even gave him some grunts this time around!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 3Then you have Frank Castle as the Cosmic Ghost Rider, and the model is just really awesome and should be super fun to play on the tabletop!

New Wakanda Minis & Terrain

It only makes sense to get a M’Baku mini! He’s joined by Klaw in this character pack, and from the sounds of it, this will be released quite soon.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 4

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Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 6AMG also revealed there will be some amazing terrain to add to your games. They also mentioned each piece would come with content for One Shot rules which will add a bunch of flair to your games and change the Threat Level around.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 8

Last but not least for the Wakanda side of things, they are coming out with one of the most iconic duels! Who wouldn’t want to play out the Black Panther versus the Classic Killmonger in their own games? Now, we move on to the X-Men!

X-Men Miniatures

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 9


Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 10First, up for the X-Men, we have two characters people have wanted to see forever, Bishop and Nightcrawler! They both look amazing, and we can’t wait to play them. They didn’t give exact release dates on any of these, but they did say they are still a little ways off.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 11


Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 12Iceman and Kitty Pryde are two more characters people have wanted forever, so it’s nice to see them finally getting models. Again, these seemed a little far into the future, but now we know they are on the way!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 13Well, they need another big bad guy to fight, and who better than Shadow King? They didn’t even have a painted-up version of him yet, so we expect this to be pretty far off from release.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 14Well, if you have someone trying to possess the X-Men, you need someone to fight back, and who is better than Professor X himself? Again, he didn’t have a painted-up version, so he is probably still quite a way off from release. This is just one of many reveals from AMG, so be sure to check out all of their new release previews on Twitch or YouTube below.

Are you excited about all the new miniatures and previews for Marvel Crisis Protocol?

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