GW New Releases Are Back For Next Week!

New-Next-Week-wal-hor-gwNew releases for Specialist Games, including Necromunda are on the way, as GW just confirmed the pre-order lineup for next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases for pre-order this coming Saturday. Let’s go over the line-up!

GW New Releases Are Back For Next Week!

After taking several weeks off from new releases, GW is back in the saddle this week with new Necromunda and Blood Bowl.

The big question is will the ridiculous allocations continue?

Necromunda banner

Necromunda: Hive War Starter

necromunda hivewarIf you’ve ever been tempted to take the plunge into the underhive, this is the way to do it, as it’s perfect for new players. Choose your gang – either the hard-bitten Escher, or the enigmatic Delaque – and fight thrilling, fast-paced tactical games set in the criminal underbelly of one of Necromunda’s towering hive cities, Hive Primus.

necromunda hivewar contentsHive War also includes an array of modular terrain, representing the cramped streets of the underhive, as well as a double-sided gaming mat, dice, tokens, cards, and all the templates you need.

Not to mention 2 full gangs for you and a buddy to play full games of Necromunda. The full rulebook is also handy if you or your buddy want to continue exploring gang warfare in the Underhive.

Necromunda Underhive Propaganda Transfer Sheet

Necromunda Underhive Propaganda Transfer SheetFrom gang graffiti to wanted posters, you’ll be able to add the perfect finishing touches to your Necromunda terrain collection. What’s more, the transfer sheet includes a whopping 499 decals, so you won’t be running out any time soon, either.

These small posters can add a ton of character to your terrain if your willing to put in that little bit of extra work.

Escher Weapons & Upgrades Sets

escher Weapons & Upgrades SetsThis set provides over 60 options to swap out heads, weapons, hair, and arms to help make your gang exactly how you want them.

Goliath Weapons & Upgrades Sets

goliath Weapons & Upgrades SetsThis set provides over 60 options to swap out heads, weapons, hair, and arms to help make your gang exactly how you want them.

BLood Bowl banner

Chaos Chosen Pitch and Dugouts

Chaos Chosen Pitch and DugoutsThe new Chaos Chosen pitch is set within an ancient temple dedicated to the Dark Gods. It features both a dormant and an awakened side, and if you’re brave enough, it comes with rules representing what happens should enough blood be spilt upon its unholy astrogranite… 

Chaos Chosen loves spilling blood in Blood Bowl, so it’s only fair that their pitch might have some extra rules involving violence.

Chaos Chosen Card Pack

Chaos Chosen Card Pack

If you’re a fan of easy mode when it comes to keeping track of your team’s profiles and skills, grab yourself the Chaos Chosen Card Pack, which includes handy reference cards for all of the players and associated Star Players. There are even 20 blank player cards for you to fill in as your team develops over the course of a league, as well as a variety of thematic Special Play cards that are exclusive to Chaos Chosen teams.

Considering they just got some changers for Season 2 of Blood Bowl, these are probably a good pick-up to help any player re-learn their rules on the go.

Chaos Chosen Team Dice Pack

Chaos Chosen Team Dice PackOf course, you’ll be able to grab some themed dice for the Chosen if you are a dedicated fan of Chaos.

beastgrave banner

Hedkrakka’s Madmob

Hedkrakka’s MadmobThese fighters lean heavily on their aggressive nature, earning Primacy for krumpin’ their foes good an’ proper. Then again, they are Bonesplitterz, so what else would you expect? With names such as Toofdagga, Dakko Sharp-Stikka, Wallop da Skull, and Hedkrakka, the Gob of Gork, they’re certainly an entertaining Warband to use, though don’t underestimate their capacity for brutal violence when it comes to getting stuck in.

Expect these guys to lean much less on the tactical side of Underworlds and much more on just wiping out the enemy squad.

Warhammer Underworlds: Silent Menace Universal Deck

Warhammer Underworlds Silent Menace Universal DeckThis expansion for Warhammer Underworlds is suited to every warband, offering new card options and a greater variety of deckbuilding combos. It contains 32 cards – 12 Objectives, 10 Gambits, and 10 Upgrades – all themed around the treasures and tactics of Beastgrave’s Silent People. Crucially, this set doesn’t include any spells, meaning that your warbands will be able to utilise the full spectrum of Silent Menace cards even if they don’t include a wizard.

If you pair this with the new Mad Mob, you have a serious threat for your games of Beastgrave going forward.

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Warriors and Warlords

Available in paperback, this collection of short stories from the 41st Millennium features tales penned by several of Black Library’s most popular authors, including Rachel Harrison, Graham McNeill, and Chris Wraight. If you like your reading fast and furious, Warriors and Warlords is just what you need in your life.

Sisters of Battle Collection

James Swallow has long been Black Library’s most prolific writer of all things Adepta Sororitas, and you can get the full collection of his novels and short stories on the Sisters of Battle in this limited edition, two-book hardback set from Saturday. It includes five tales – Faith & Fire, Hammer & Anvil, Red & Black, and Heart & Soul, as well as a brand new story, Iron & Bone.

Sisters of Battle: The Book of Martyrs

There’s more Adepta Sororitas fiction where that came from – The Book of Martyrs includes three more action-packed sagas of the Sisters of Battle, penned by Danie Ware, Alec Worley, and Phil Kelly. If you’re seeking inspiration, you’ve just found it. This anthology is available in hardback and ebook formats.

Fire Made Flesh

Denny Flowers sends us delving into the underhive as he brings us Fire Made Flesh. Danger is afoot as Tempes Sol of the Guild of Light seeks the dark secrets that lurk in the Fallen Dome of Periculus. You can devour this tale from Necromunda via paperback or ebook.

Sons of Sanguinius: A Blood Angels Omnibus

Comprising more than 20 short stories and novellas written by Black Library luminaries such as Dan Abnett, James Swallow, and Gav Thorpe, Sons of Sanguinius is the ultimate omnibus for fans of the Blood Angels and their successor Chapters. You can read these blood-soaked tales in paperback or ebook formats.

Ultramarines: Dead Sky, Black Sun

Available for the first time as an MP3 audiobook, Ultramarines: Dead Sky, Black Sun, tells of Uriel Ventris’ daring attack on the Iron Warriors home world, deep in the Eye of Terror itself. Graham McNeill’s classic story of courage and honour is not to be missed, and makes for perfect listening while painting or driving.

Do you like the look of these releases? Are you going to pick any up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!